
Friday, October 30, 2009

Nighstand Reading

Pages are flying by my eyes every evening, some quickly, some slowly. For quick reading I discovered a clay related mystery writer, Melissa Glazer and I just read, A Murderous Glaze. Sometimes it's nice to read a book that doesn't require much brain power late in the evening.

At the thrift store I picked up a copy of Howard Ruff's 1979 book, How to Prosper During the Coming Bad Years. Little did Ruff know about today's hard times in our country, or perhaps he did, as history does repeat itself. This book is pertinent to today, but I found out he has a couple of recent books out which I have on request at the library.

Another book I found is Windhorse Woman by Lynn V. Andrews. I bet Tracey's daughter, Wesley, would like this book. Windhorse Woman is about one woman's search and education in mysticism. I understand Andrews had a first book, but I happened to get this one at the thrift store, so I'm starting in the middle of her story.

We're also doing research on where to ultimately settle down. Some of the books we are reading are focused on retirement, but the information is very helpful even if you aren't quite ready to retire. The several Gary and I are both reading are Retirement Places Rated, Retire in Style, 60 Outstanding Places Across the US and Canada, and America's 100 Best Places. Some of the categories researched in these books are Landscape, Climate, Quality of Life, Cost of Living, Transportation, Retail Services, Health Care, Community Services, Cultural and Educational Services, Recreational Activities, Work and Volunteer Activities, and Crime Rates and Public Safety.

Our preliminary reading has led us to research the states of Tennessee, North Carolina, and South Carolina further. We plan on leaving California in about a month, once we get organized and do a few repairs, banking and other business taken sorted out. Depending upon the weather we will either take Interstate 40 or the southern route of Interstate 10 if the cold weather hits. Judging from the blizzards in Colorado this week, the winter may be colder earlier this year so we shall see. We really want to stop in Santa Fe as we love that city and several others along the way.

Hopefully next post I can tell you about two characters we've seen briefly in the RV (recreational vehicle) park we are staying. One is Bird Man and the other is Cat Lady, thankfully they aren't neighbors. All my bisque didn't fit in one load, so I will glaze next week and hope to have something to show you then. Stay tuned for more about our travel plans.


  1. Thanks for the book info, sounds good. I have to say, when I was a designer in the furniture industry I traveled to every state in the country and I think NC rates up there still as one of my favorites. I also liked Seattle, Denver, Lake Placid, and Fredricksburg Maryland! Didn't get to Santa Fe but I have a friend that left NC for a visit there and never came home.Can't wait to see where you land!!

  2. i am a big fan of books that don't make you think too hard.... as my mother use to say, " you need to read a little trash..." I took it to heart and am now reading one of those novels.
    Can't wait to hear about your neighbors in the park!

  3. Just a heads up - I-40 is closed between Knoxville and Asheville and is not likely to open any time soon. Big rockslide. I-20 would take you around the very southern end of the eastern mountains to Atlanta where you can turn north.

  4. i used to pour over those place rated almanacs when i wanted to move but i always got hung up on climate... of course i was younger then and didn't care about health care, education, etc.

  5. Thanks for the book tips. I LOVE to read and pick up most of my books at the Thrift store because I read sooo many books. Oh my gosh Linda, sounds like you could start a whole other Blog on Roadside Characters alone!!! Take some photos!!

  6. Colorado is in for a hard winter I am guessing. Good news, it is melting VERY quickly, my deck is now completely dry....Santa Fe should be on your plans...if you can swing one night stay at the LAUGHING HORSE, very cool place has kitchen for your use,and cool reading rooms,hot tub,etc. A stallion for a door handle standing up NAKIED very funny place famous folks stay there,quiet and cheap!

  7. Hi Tracey, thanks, hope you enjoy the books. If we had unlimited dollars the San Juan Islands would be top or Vancouver Canada, but we must move where we can afford it. We've traveled quite a bit too, but not as much in the East so we willl see.

    Hi Meredith, thanks, I have a couple more of those novels on order at the library, I can read one a night. I met Bird man tonight and asked about taking photos and he said it was ok, so that will be coming up soon.

    Hi MH,thanks for the heads up, yikes that must be some mud slide. well skirt around it I guess.

    Hi Jim, thanks, climate is big one for us but cost is too, so we shall see. Just about any place would be better than where we are leaving so no problem, except a blizzard area. Ha!

    Hi Cindy,thanks I have so much more time to read, so I am going through books like wildfire so the library and thrift store are god sends.

    Hi Mtn Mama, laughing horse sounds wonderful and fun too I could definitely use a place like that now, we shall see how it all goes. more later.


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