
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Still Looking

My kind and gentle readers, did you think I forgot about you? I haven't, I've thought about you quite often. I don't have access to the internet at our campground so I've been reading about a book an evening. The stoneware cider jug above is in the campground visitor center. Interesting how cider is spelled.

Regular posting and commenting from me will resume after the 30th of this month. We're still looking for a new home. Above are two more jugs in the campground visitor center. I guess the thick portion would keep a liquid cool in the jugs, what do you think?

One evening it was actually cool enough to have a camp fire. That's Gary tending the fire with our RV and my car nearby.
It's rained nearly every day sometimes torrential, like last night. One morning it was warm enough for this red spotted purple butterfly to land and gather up some heat in it's wings to fly off. He stayed still long enough for me to get real close. The same morning a huge hornet's nest dropped out of a tree. later a squirrel carried off half the hornet's nest to his own nest. The next morning the squirrel came back for the other half. So many times I am amazed at how smart animals are. I suspect a hornets nest is good insulation and padding for a squirrel's nest. Who knew squirrels recycle? Thanks for reading and for all your comments.


  1. We have a lot of those butterflies in our yard. They seem to like the apples that have dropped from the tree.
    Your campsite photo looks so relaxing! I haven't been camping in 3+ years.
    I hope you find a new home soon, but in the mean time you will have some fond memories of your summer.

  2. Your rig and you campfire smoke make your whole sojourn seem so inviting.

    So that really is a red spotted purple butterfly! I posted a picture of one and a blog reader identified it. I couldn't distinguish the red spots.

  3. Hi Linda. Those two jugs in the lower picture are "stacker Jugs" Their shape allows a short cylinder of fireclay to sit on the ledge of one and then you stack another on top etc. Thereby allowing you to fire them without wasting a lot of space in the kiln for shelves and posts.

  4. Missing you.....hope you find a place to land soon.

  5. What a stunning butterfly. I was glad to see a post from you this morning - I have been wondering how you are getting on. And I hope your new home materialises soon.

  6. Butterflies have been abundant this year! Our parsley plants are just stems now with all the swallowtail caterpillars. We are hoping that they winter on the oak near the parsley, which is next to our patio. It would be nice to see them when they emerge in the spring!

    Enjoy the weather, it is just lovely out there today.

  7. Glad to see you here again...and that campfire does look nice...I hope you find just the right place to settle again. It's out there just waiting for you.

  8. Hi Michele, thanks, most folks would say our RV really isn't camping but for now that's our home.

    Hi Joanne, thanks, the red spots are just barely visible on the edges I think the female has fewer of them.

    Hi Dennis, thanks so much I had no idea about stacker jugs, learn something every day.

    Hi Suzi, thanks, missing reading all the blogs too, back real soon.

    Hi Elephant's Child, thanks, getting closer every day to a new home.

    Hi Jennie, thanks, oh that would be wonderful if they overwintered for your. I had forgotten about parsley being good for their food.

    Hi Barbara, thanks, can you imagine a campfire in August, ha, at least now we are getting a warm up.


I love suggestions, questions, critiques, thanks for your comment