
Saturday, August 3, 2013

Two Black Bear Cubs

The other day we were driving in the country and out of the corner of my eye I saw a very large black dog running across a lawn headed straight for my car. I swerved to avoid him and at the last minute he ran back up the hill. Gary said that's not a dog it's a bear. It was an American black bear.

At the same time I looked in my rear view mirror to see another bear cub running across the road behind us. There had been two black bear cubs in the front yard of someone's house and they were apparently running to catch up with their mother who we didn't see. I was amazed at how quickly the bear cub could change directions when he saw my car.

This morning Gary told me he saw on the news about a black bear in Colorado who dragged a dumpster behind a restaurant to tip it over to get the food inside. The news story reminded me of seeing the black bear cubs the other day. Animals are much smarter than we give them credit for I think. I was glad I didn't hit the bear cub. I need one of those bumper stickers which says "I brake for animals and birds". Earlier this week just by braking slightly I avoided hitting a crow which flew in front of my car. Images were borrowed from the net for illustration purposes. Thanks for reading and for all your comments.


  1. Wildlife adventures. Something new each day, right?

  2. I brake constantly for deer and occasionally for a coyote, but this year there's something about the birds challenging me over their right to cross the road. I have not T-boned one yet, but it's been close. My granddaughters say it's been a thousand birds braked for. I'd say closer to a hundred.

  3. Wow! Wild! I have never seen wild bears! Glad that you didn't hit him. Yes, they are much more intelligent than humans think. : )

  4. Oooh. Such a treat. Wow, wow and wow.
    And yes, MUCH more intelligence than we give them credit for.

  5. Hitting a bear would be awful. And how would you help it if were badly injured? I hate to think about it!

  6. A near miss and I'm glad that you were able to avoid hitting the bear. You could have been seriously injured, too and your vehicle would have been damaged!

  7. Little bears are oh so cute, but have a potential for danger as a very protective mama is usually near by.
    I'm totally enjoying all your travel posts.

  8. I am thankful for the bear and for you that you did not hit him...what a mess. It seems like a lot of birds have been flying into cars this seems to me that their timing and flight height is off or something. :-/ I hope you will stay safe as you continue your travels .

  9. wow- sounds like an adventure! how was the rest of your time in Asheville? Good to see you and Gary.

  10. thanks all, I was so glad I didn't hit the bear, don't want any damage to the bear and not my car either. don't need any problems that's for sure.

    There is new wildlife every where we look, having a great time each day.


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