
Saturday, October 26, 2013

What Plant Is This ?

Do you know what plant this is? It's about six feet tall and has large seed pods. The leaves were large, about eight inches in length. Thanks for reading and for all your comments.


  1. I don't think that's anything you would find in Minnesota.

  2. No idea, though the pods make me think that it could be something from the legume family. Please let us know when you find out.


  3. Catalpa Tree -- here's an image & info:

  4. Hafa Adai !
    My name is ErynnRae Fernandez. I am a student in Mr.Young's ceramics class at Southern High School on Guam. I have been assigned to do a research paper on a ceramic artist and I was given your name. I will be contacting you with a number of questions and will need your permission to use two pictures of your work, with a description for each. I look forward to learning about you and your work.

    ErynnRae Fernandez

    My 10 Questions are
    1. Who influence your artistic style ?
    2. What type of work do you feel your best at? (installation,Vessel,or sculpture)
    3.What do you enjoy most about pottery?
    4.Because you enjoy hand-building, which do you prefer : pinch, coil, or slab?
    5. Do you have a favorite piece of pottery ? Self-made or sovenier ?
    6. What inspired you to start pottery?
    7. Is pottery a tradition or were you self taught? how long?

  5. Continue ..
    8. is there any place you are wanting to tour too ?
    9.Is there a potter that you idolize ?
    10. Since you tour, where do you do all your work at?

    Thank You & i look forward to hearing from you (:

  6. It does look like a catalpa. They grow in New England too. My parents had one in their backyard in NH.

  7. Hi Ms. Sparrow, thanks, oh it does look a bit tropical.

    Hi Elephant's Child, thanks, the pod looks like a very large bean.

    Hi Judy, thanks, I looked at the link the catalpa seems to have more heart shaped leaves and not the serrated edge that this one does. I may call the park and see if they know what it is, there was a hole row of them behind the building.

    Hi Erynn, thanks, I have emailed the answers to your questions to you, thanks for contacting me and for choosing me and my pottery for your report.

    Hi Michele, thanks, I am still not convinced it is a catalpa but perhaps it is a relative.

  8. Oh Jennie of JLK Jewelry said the plant may be brugmansia or datura, I'm looking at descriptions of the leaves to see if that is true, more later.


I love suggestions, questions, critiques, thanks for your comment