
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Clay Texture Inspiration

Akira Satake

Matsu Kosui

Kriston Mognett

Seung Ho Yang

Komoda Shoji

Isidro Olguin

Georges Sybesma
Teresa Brooks

My blog isn't feeding, any advice? My last post didn't seem to show up or get any comments. Not sure what is wrong, perhaps I'll delete it and post this one to see what happens. Who knows about blogger sometimes. Hope you are all enjoying the fall weather.


  1. Great images!! And great selection.

    I didn't post on the last one but I am very impressed that you bought the fruit, researched and ate it. I see stuff and don't know what to do with it. Or I see stuff, buy it and don't get around to it and so our compost pile grows. I've seen dragon fruit and will try it next time.

    When we were in Thailand we had such wonderful, fresh fruit and I always look for it at our Asian Mkt in GSO, but the times I've found one we liked it looks kind of passe so we passe! The only one they have consistently is Durian. I have never tried it, but at every Thai market we went to you could smell it all the way across the market as soon as it was cut open. Wes loves the taste, but I can't get past the smell! Bon apetit!

  2. Nice pots Linda.
    The fruit looks interestingly good.
    Any luck on a house?

  3. I didn't comment on the previous post, because I had no answer to your last question. Lol. Nice photos all around, Linda.

  4. These are exquisite. And look so tactile too - my fingers itch to caress them.

  5. I love the different textures. People are so clever with what they do with clay!! It is exciting to see how texture alone can be interesting enough without having to do a lot with glazes.

  6. Lovely textures and shapes!

  7. I am really missing clay, can you tell, found a house with potential today, hopefully we can work a deal on this one stay tuned.

  8. Wow- thanks for sharing all this gorgeous work! That first piece is truly scrumptious!


I love suggestions, questions, critiques, thanks for your comment