
Monday, January 13, 2014

U Haul Geography Lesson, Athabasca Sand Dunes in Saskatchewan

Who knew I'd get a geography lesson from a U Haul truck. When Gary made it to Georgia with the U haul truck yesterday I saw a description of shifting sand dunes in Canada painted on the side. I never knew Canada had sand dunes. I investigated this morning and read they're the Athabasca Sand Dunes in Saskatchewan. The dunes are the most northerly active dune formation on earth. I'm adding a trip to the dunes to my bucket list. In fact Canada in general deserves to be on my bucket list. My mind conjures up wild and pristine scenery at every turn of a future trip.

This past week Gary went to Florida and transferred all of our possessions from our treasure bus to a 26 foot U Haul truck. All our worldly goods acquired over 60 odd years are contained in the U haul minus our motorhome, bus and cars. We're  leaving the treasure bus in Florida; we think we'll have an easier time selling it there. Click the link to read about how we moved from California to Florida on shoestring. If you're looking for a good moving or storage bus let me know. Other uses for the bus are hunting bus, RV conversion, tail gait bus, and many others. The bus is 40 ft long is diesel, with new tires and batters and extremely low miles for a diesel. More info to follow.

This morning we're transferring all our goods into a storage unit in Blairsville, the city in the North Georgia mountains, where we're moving to shortly. It's just twelves miles from North Carolina. I was up early enough to enjoy a beautiful Georgia sunrise. Getting up and out before my usual time affords me the opportunity to enjoy the early morning colors of winter. Our new home move in date is almost here. Coming up new studio sketches, book reviews, herbal delights, and more. Thanks for reading and for all your comments.


  1. Moose, mountains and sand....Canada is a country of infinite geography!
    You must be in seventh heaven to finally be getting into your new home. I'm looking forward to many photos!

  2. Great to hear your move is progressing along...soon you'll be a mountain mama too!

  3. I'm so glad you are getting closer to a move in date and the actual move in. It'll be great to see you being able to work in clay again.

  4. I really enjoyed my trip top Saskatchewan last fall! I saw a LOT of beautiful prairies but didn't get to the sand dunes. Next time.

    Good luck with your move to GA. I look forward to seeing you.

  5. Now I know---I've seen several U-Hauls around here on the Interstate with that Moose. Glad to hear you are getting near your move-in date!

  6. When we are traveling I always enjoy the art on the different U-Haul trucks. Glad you are getting close to getting moved in to your new place!

  7. Good morning Linda.. I agree! A trip to Canada is a grand idea..and fyi: I am just next door in Alberta :).. Good luck moving in..looking forward to the photos of your new home. T.

  8. Whoohoo, and a beautiful sunrise to boot. I love other folks' adventures as much as much as my own.

  9. WooHoo, you're soooo close to being in your new home. The location sounds gorgeous! And I didn't know Canada has sand dunes either (as I've only been to Eastern Canada -- it's jaw-dropping beautiful).

  10. Soooo close now. Which is wonderful.

  11. thanks for the geography lesson :) I visited Canada way back in 2001 and just loved the scenery, we were mainly in Vancouver and the highlight was a visit to Robin Hopper's studio on Victoria Island. What a beautiful sky in your photo. Little by little your new home gets closer.

  12. I have never been to Georgia, but did visit friends in Toronto and Vancouver, Canada. I would love to see photos of your new home. Good luck!

  13. How exciting that you will soon have a new home!

  14. I look forward to seeing your new home and studio...What a grand adventure you have had...amazing journey and you shared it so nicely with us....:)

  15. Hi Suzi, thanks, oh yes we want some room to spread out. Ha.

    Hi Barbara, thanks, just one more week.

    Hi Lori, thanks, I can't wait.

    Hi Michael, thanks, one of these days we hope to get up there.

    Hi Charlene, thanks, I can't help but learning new things where ever I go. Ha.

    Hi Barbara, thanks, for some reason they remind me of the Burma shave signs.

    Hi Trish, thanks, oh if we can make it up there we'll definitely look you up.

    Hi Joanne, thanks, there have been lots of wonderful sunrises and sunsets here.

    Hi Kittie, thanks, is that a new photo of you wow?

    Hi Elephant's Child, thanks, counting the days now.

    Hi Anna, thanks, I've been to Vancouver but didn't know about Robin Hopper back then I would love to get back up there again.

    Hi Gigi, thanks, I'll be posting photos of our home soon.

    Hi Michele, thanks, we are tired of the motorhome. Ha.

    Hi Dee, thanks, photos and details coming soon.


I love suggestions, questions, critiques, thanks for your comment