
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

It's Been Way Too Long

Of course I was the first one at the Helen Arts and Heritage Center clay studio yesterday. In the foreground you see my camera, rolling pin, and my small flat bowl of tools I brought along with me. There are three other women in the class and the teacher. It's possible to sign up for a year's worth of studio time at the center for a reasonable fee. I think I'll sign up to take advantage of the work space and kiln firings till I get my studio set up. Signed up I can come and go as I please and have my work fired.

There are two more rooms a glazing area and kiln room. I took a few photos and then got to work. I made a leaf platter and two pinch bowls yesterday to warm up to the new clay. I'm using little loafers clay, a white stoneware. There's also a choice of some speckled stoneware which I'm sure I'll get around to using as well. If I join the studio and work four hours a month I can sell my work in the gallery and keep 80 percent, more than fair.

It's been way too long since I worked in clay. Looking at these photos almost makes me cry at the sacrifice I made without clay over the past few months. Actually I stopped working in clay before we moved so it's been almost a year; me not even fully or consciously realizing it till now. Looking back I feel I was languishing away without clay.

And the cats were languishing away in such cooped up quarters. I've been giving them lots of cuddles to make up for the trauma they experienced being so cooped up in the motor home. I knew there was an end in sight but the cats had no idea. I'm sure they felt as if they were in a prison with no possibility of parole. I think it was a bit of the same for me. I can imagine how someone in prison must feel. When they're released they can finally let the trapped feelings go and cry with relief. They want to go out and experience all they've missed while in prison.

When I got home from the clay studio I wanted to get right to work with clay and never stop. I brought some clay home with me but I made dinner instead, thinking about clay. I fell asleep dreaming of work I want to make and woke up very very early thinking of clay again.

So far we got a refrigerator, washer, dryer, bed, couch and are looking for a dining room table. We set up one of my plastic clay tables and two outdoor chairs in the dining area, before that we piled up boxes for a table. We've lots of unpacking to do but need to make some repairs beforehand. But all I want to do is work in clay. Meanwhile half the boxes are piled in the basement and the other half are still in the storage unit. I better make myself a daily schedule and force myself to stick to it so I don't neglect my household duties. Now I wonder where the coffee pot is? Thanks for reading and for all your comments.


  1. Linda, you sure do have an exciting future in clay. Hope to see your new work soon.

  2. Welcome back girlfriend (a presumption on my part, and partly just a friendly gesture)! Anyway, clay has been waiting. Little Loafers is my favorite clay, but I also like speckled brownstone. Can't wait to see what you do with your disciplined but bursting energies of creativity!

  3. It's so nice to see you getting you hands dirty again. Enjoy!

  4. I'm excited, reading of your excitement! Sometimes we don't realize how much we miss something until it's back in our lives again.
    I'm waiting for photos of clay and house. What you have shown us so far looks gorgeous!

  5. So glad all of you have served the terms and come out swinging. The gallery deal is fabulous; the co-op gallery/studio in town is 60% of sale for working, 40% for not.

  6. So happy for you, Linda...moved in and moving into clay again. I look forward to seeing the results of your new adventures.

  7. Hurray for you to be back in clay!
    Clay does have a way of making household chores fall by the wayside... I was a much better housekeeper before falling in the love with the medium.

  8. I'm so happy that life is returning to normal. If you don't do clay you don't realize how it balances your life and how you wake up dreaming about what you want to make. What a wonderful opportunity you have to belong to a clay community in your area.

  9. Linda, that's a super arrangement where you're enrolled. There's such good karma around all that you're doing. And hugs for your kitties!

  10. Linda, that's a super arrangement where you're enrolled. There's such good karma around all that you're doing. And hugs for your kitties!

  11. Linda, that's a super arrangement where you're enrolled. There's such good karma around all that you're doing. And hugs for your kitties!

  12. Your post makes me see you having such a beautiful studio to work in (love the wall color) till you set up your own and to be able to furnish and enjoy a new home....I love happy things :)

  13. Hi Gigi, thanks, looking forward to working again.

    Hi Barbara, thanks, oh yes girlfriend, I am so glad I found a community of folks always enjoy your posts about your clay community.

    Hi Lori, thanks, I'll have to go back to using more hand lotion. Ha.

    Hi Suzi, thanks, you are so right about not realizing what we are missing.

    Hi Joanne, thanks, yes the terms are more than generous from what I've experienced in the past.

    Hi Trish, thanks, I am hoping I can get back into the groove.

    Hi Miohele, thanks, I used to be a better housekeeper too. ha.

    Hi Unknown, thanks and welcome, you are so right keeping the things that balance your life - in your life - makes it all go so much more smoothly.

    Hi Kittie, thanks, oh I need all the good karma for sure, don't need any negatives.

    Hi Dee, thanks, you know I didnt' even notice the wall color till I posted the photos. Ha.


I love suggestions, questions, critiques, thanks for your comment