
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Eat Wild

The other day at the grocery store I passed by the meat section and I noticed a lamb loin chop was $13.98 per pound. I passed right on by. Later that day I was thinking about all the farms in this country still in operation and those that have ceased to exist. I wondered why lamb is so expensive in the USA. There just are't as many lamb producers as there are beef producers in this country.

Before you say you don't like lamb consider it might be the cost per pound, the way it's cook, or where or how it was raised. Here's a sheep fact sheet with some interesting statistics about the meat. Americans are slowly learning to consumer more lamb even though our country consumes the least compared to others. Here is a link to the American Lamb Board with more facts, recipes and more.

I haven't eaten beef in probably 20 years. I did have some bison hamburgers over the holidays; having seen some grass fed packages in the grocery store. Still I wondered if there was a farm nearby where I might purchase some organically and locally raised lamb. I discovered this website Eat Wild. Scroll down to the bottom to find your state, Canada is also listed. Somehow the eat wild idea is a misnomer as the animals they raise are domesticated but are raised like a wild animal would forage for food.

The internet definitely has it's advantages for consumers. I've found several farms in Georgia where I can purchase lamb directly from the farmer. I noticed I can also get goat or rabbits. I've never had goat before and it's been years since I had rabbit. Many of the farms raise beef, chickens, eggs, etc.

More and more I try to purchase what I consume from a local person. I think this is one way I can help the economy. The added benefit is the product I'm consuming, such as organically raised food, is much better for me. I plan to do more research about other types of food and products I can purchase locally. Now if I can find someone who sells some wild game I'd really have found something. Any ideas? Thanks for reading and for all your comments.


  1. As a small farm that raises and carries lamb, I can say that it isn't a very profitable business, and I appreciate your blog post highlighting why lamb is so great! We sell lamb direct to the consumer - at $6.00 per lb! We love lamb meat, and I agree with you that I don't know why it isn't more popular in the US.

  2. Lamb is popular here - though not for my vegetarian self. Like you, we try and purchase a lot of our supplies from local growers. Fresher, and usually tastier - particularly the organic produce.

  3. I really like lamb and it is often hard to find in the grocery store here. I did buy some from a nearby farm a couple of years ago, when I went on "farm day trip" with Meredith. It was delicious!

  4. There are 3 farms on the Eat Wild list close to us and we have bought items from them. Here in the Williamette Valley we have a lot of sheep being raised, but the lamb available in the stores is usually from Australia (possible reason for the high price. Buying from the farms is reasonable in price but the sell by the 1/4, 1/2, etc.

  5. We source our meat locally, from farms south of us. Fresh veggies in season at the market. It really makes more health sense to eat locally, which can only translate into economic sense.

  6. Hi Julia, thanks, I thought of your farm as I was typing this, surprised you can only get $6 a pound; the farms here are charging $12 a pound.

    Hi Elephant's Child, thanks, I know your country raises a lot of sheep and much of it is exported here too. I only eat meat about once a week, perhaps I'll be a vegetarian one day.

    Hi Michele, thanks, we're looking forward to many a farm trip here.

    Hi Carroll, thanks, you are lucky to have all those farms nearby the food is so much better.

    Hi Joanne, thanks, we're looking forward to the farmer's market this summer, it's only about a mile form our home.


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