
Thursday, March 13, 2014

Thank You and Spring Is Trying

Thanks for all your kind words about the loss of my Binky. He was a gentle creature and will always be remembered kindly. We have been giving lots of cuddles to our other two cats, Betty and Butter.

We're happy to see that previous owners have planted lots of bulbs. Lots of daffodils are trying to bloom. Do you know what this blue flower is? It is quite diminutive, only an couple of inches tall.

We had another frost last night but it's sunny today and warming up nicely. Spring is slowly trying to emerge pushing Winter away ever so gently. Thanks for reading and for all your comments.


  1. The blue/purple flower looks like a part of the hyacinth group~~~lirope or lily turf
    It really looks like a partial opened hyacinth

  2. Isn't it nice to have someone who has planted bulbs for everyone to enjoy into the future? I also love driving about the countryside in the spring, and finding bulbs that remain where homes once were.

  3. Bulbs are magic aren't they. The blue one does indeed look as if it belongs to the hyacinth family. Scented? It could be an overcrowded hyacinth - which hasn't had enough food to produce the BIG flower head.

  4. Hi Carroll, thanks, I just found out the blue bulb is scilla which I was unfamiliar with.

    Hi Barbara, thanks, we are enjoying the little pop up surprises around here for sure.

    Hi Elephant's Child, thanks, I always thought that the hyacinth sprang forth later in the season and have found out from a fb friend that it is indeed scilla.

  5. It looks like it's going to be a fun adventure waiting and watching to see what pops up this year at your new home.

  6. Love those flowers!

  7. Hi Lori, thanks, we are keeping our eyes out for sure.

    Hi Gigi, thanks, the daffodils are doubles and much more open now.


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