
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

This Cherry Tree

One of our neighbors has a huge cherry tree in their front yard. At the base of the tree is a small koi pond. When I drive by I imagine myself sitting under the tree listening to the birds sing and watching the fish swim. Given the room to spread the tree has formed a perfect canopy over the pond. I rushed out yesterday to get the cherry tree photo since I knew rain and winds were expected and thought the blossoms would be all but tattered after the storm.

I was inspired to make a bowl with a cherry tree drawn inside. First I started out with the trunk. Mine isn't symmetrical but it will suffice for my purposes.

 Next I added a dark color of pink for the blossoms.

Then I added in the second lighter color pink. Later I placed the round form into a bowl shaped slump mold. I wasn't happy with the shape in the mold, but we shall see.

A. E. Housman (1859–1936).  A Shropshire Lad.  1896.
Loveliest of trees, the cherry now
LOVELIEST of trees, the cherry now
Is hung with bloom along the bough,
And stands about the woodland ride
Wearing white for Eastertide.
Now, of my threescore years and ten,        5
Twenty will not come again,
And take from seventy springs a score,
It only leaves me fifty more.
And since to look at things in bloom
Fifty springs are little room,        10
About the woodlands I will go
To see the cherry hung with snow.
I saw the bare branches in winter and wondered what variety of tree it was and now I know a small portion of this cherry tree. Thanks for reading and for all your comments.


  1. You captured that cherry tree in photos and clay simply beautifully.

  2. What a stunningly beautiful tree. I am so looking forward to my fruit trees blossoming ... Your plate is wonderful. I like how you take the things you see around you and create pottery from these ideas.

    "Fifty springs are little room." Indeed.

  3. Hi Gigi, thanks, that tree is so beautiful I just had to make a remembrance of it; if it doesn't turn out I'll try again as I was enjoying painting up the tree.

    Hi Teresa, thanks, isn't it the truth that nature has so much to hold; even at my ripe old age I know there will never be enough time to see and enjoy and know it all.

  4. I like your interpretation of the cherry tree. Well done!
    Our cherry tree is just beginning to bloom, the apple trees are in bloom now. Spring is here at last.

  5. How absolutely beautiful - and I love where your head and heart took you with the inspiration.

  6. That is one beautiful and inspiring tree. Thanks for beating the wind and rain to the picture.

  7. What a gorgeous tree....reminds me of the crab-apple in a way... I love that bowl...can't wait to see how it turns out...Great inspiration from Nature... Thanks for sharing the tree...<3

  8. That is one gorgeous cherry tree! And I can see why you would want to capture it in clay...

    We have a visiting artist in our pottery studio this week and she uses a *Hax mudtool* to do - almost everything. Have you used this tool, Linda? From what I've seen, it's pretty versatile...

  9. Lovely pictures of both trees, so glad yours will stay in bloom longer than the one over the pond. I bet they have to skim the blossoms out of the pond when they fall too.

  10. Beautiful tree....and amazing capture of it in your pottery are indeed a visual artist.

  11. Very nice, Linda..the tree is amazing.. AHH Spring! and I like what you did on the bowl. T.

  12. Hi Michele, thanks, thank goodness for spring. Is your cherry tree a native one?

    Hi Elephant's Child, thanks, oh the blooming trees are a sight to see.

    Hi Joanne, thanks, I absolutely love that tree if only I had enough room to plant one here.

    Hi Linda, thanks, oh I can't wait to see about the bowl either, if it doesn't work I'll try again as I am liking the painterly look to the tree on the clay.

    Hi Rian, thanks, oh I have never heard of that tool I must look it up, how nice to have a visiting potter and learn from their techniques.

    Hi Barbara, thanks, the next day tall the rain made a small waterfall into the koi pond and I am sure it washed all the blossoms out for them but there will be more too. I wish I could go up there and sit but don't know the neighbors well enough for that, perhaps soon.

    Hi Dee, thanks, the photo doesn't show it that well but that tree is huge, and oh so wonderful.

    Hi Trish, thanks, I am loving the fact of the warm weather and all the blossoming trees.


I love suggestions, questions, critiques, thanks for your comment