
Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Day, Mockorange, A Little Paint

This week I noticed a shrub at the edge of the woods was showing a few white flowers. I couldn't tell what the shrub was till I got up close. I think it's a mockorange, Philadelphus spp. I suppose it's called mockorange because of the sweet fragrance it emits filling the air with it's perfume much like orange blossoms do. Too bad it isn't planted closer to the house.

Mockorange is a plant my mother would have loved. I give thanks to my mother for giving me my love of gardening, among many other thanks too numerous to list. I have many a happy memory of my mom working in the garden caring for her plants. Happy Day to you mom and all other moms, hope you are looking down and the sights and fragrances of Spring.

The basement portion of our home was never painted just covered with stucco. After we finished staining the decks I had the idea to paint the basement portion of our home with a color similar to the wood stain. I got this color called 'southern wood' and it's just the right color. I think this darker color will ground the home; the upper portion has light tan siding. Now am I brave enough to paint the doors a turquoise blue? Maybe a periwinkle blue, what do you think?

All these years of our marriage Gary said he couldn't paint, so I did all the painting. I tried to get him to help out but never could. After doing most of the deck staining brushing the boards by hand, Gary says he likes painting. He's now enjoying painting the stucco below. Good things come to those who are patient. It's taken Gary 29 years to do some painting and relieve me of that duty. Ha. I'll still paint the doors though.

It's amazing what a little paint can do to change the look. Above the garage door you can see what the gray stucco looked like without paint. Once we (Gary) get it all painted I'll take another photo to show you what a difference a little paint makes. Thanks for reading and for all your comments.


  1. Lovely white flowers. Have a nice week.


  2. Congrats to Gary for becoming a full fledged painter.

  3. Hi Elna, thanks, same to you, the shrub is putting on even more flowers.

    Hi Gigi, thanks, funny how married roles change over the years. ha.


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