Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Company I Keep ...

"Does the carpet color clash with my fur? If it does,
she'll just have to recarpet.
That's all there is too it. I have
my ways of making sure she HAS TO recarpet."

"These high thread
count sheets are heaven
to lounge on. I'm really
glad she bought them for me."

"That bird doesn't know how lucky he is. If I was out there I'd have him in a second, play with him for a while, then bring him in for her. She keeps telling me 'no birds, no birds', crazy woman. Some people just don't appreciate the presents you give them."


  1. Hi Linda -nice blog and cute cats! I tried to add your blog to my blogroll but I got an eror message :( I'll try again later...

  2. Hi Eleanor, my cats are really spoiled, Thanks for visiting and for adding my blog to your blogroll.

  3. Thanks for the visit, and look at my blog again sometime: my Spike (a grey tiger) is a cousin of yours alright!

  4. Hi Gary, I love reading your blog -it's so "UP!" I'm adding you to my roll.

    I noticed they looked alike. Mine's Binky, long story short - Binky was lost in the snow for over a month and we got him back and nursed him back to health. He's made up for the lack of food back then.


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