Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Rolling In Dough

This week we're rolling in dough. With proceeds from the community sale, pottery sales, and rolling coins we'd saved over the last year, we can pay some bills. Saving coins for a year netted just over four hundred dollars; and we still have a few more pennies to roll up.

Last week I made a few floral inspired pendants. This week, however, my pendants (sorry, I neglected to take a photo of the recent ones) are more primitive having been influenced by our visit to the Crystal River Mounds State Park. See the previous post for information about ancient ornaments. Thank you for your comments and support.


  1. I thought at first it was going to be about baking, but you really are rolling in dough! It's amazing what saving loose change can lead to! Cool!

  2. Hi Teresa, thanks, I used to do a lot of baking, not any more, what with a wheat allergy and trying to keep from gaining weight, that lets out a lot of baking. We were amazed at how much we had in coins, they are heavy to carry though.

  3. yay for you! i have always saved coins too... i remember the year my daughter graduated from high school i had enough cash saved in coins to pay for her party/cookout. my bank in NH has a coin counter so i didn't have to roll them... just bring the jar to the bank and the teller pours the coins in!

  4. Do let Gary know that I agree with the message on his tee shirt knowing where our town gets its water from! How amazing that saving coins has added up to so much... Wonderful! I must go and make me a pottery piggy bank! Congratulations both of you!

  5. Hi Michele, thanks, our bank didn't have that service and the grocery was going to charge eight percent to count them for us, so we're county them ourselves.

    Hi Peter, thanks, you have some good eye sight. I got that Tshirt for Gary at the thrift store and I knew he would get a kick out of it. What a good wife I am to get him that shirt. I knoew he and his men friends would have a good laugh at it. Of course all that saving coins came from us in the first place, but at least we have an imaginary or temporary savings anyway.

  6. should be counting them ourselves

  7. Change really adds up. We take ours to our grocery store which has a Coin Star, which sorts and adds it up for you, then gives you a voucher to present for cash. And, it's free!

    Love the pendants! You are so creative!

  8. Hi Marguerite, thanks, our grocery charges a percent to count them, I guess to pay for the machine upkeep, so we got the rolling forms from the bank and are rolling them ourselves. Actually Gary rolled most them, after the quarters I gave up. We did find a few coins that might be worth more than their face value, but not much = a couple of wheat pennies and possible silver coins, we shall see. I hope the pendants turn out well.


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