This is my idea of a decadent lunch. Sauteed portobello mushrooms and a slice of Manchego cheese.

Portobello muchrooms were less expensive than button mushrooms at the grocery store. Not so for the Manchego cheese which is expensive in comparison to other cheeses. But the flavor of this imported Spanish cheese is wonderful. If I have one slice I can make it last a few weeks and thereby justify the cost.

Portobellow mushrooms are beautiful with their tan caps and dark gills.

They're easier to slice if I put the knife in from the top or cap of the mushroom.

Saute in a pat of butter on medium high heat, flip over and cover to soften. Serve warm on your favorite handmade pottery dish. Thanks for reading and for all your comments.
Very lovely.
ReplyDeleteHi Lori, thanks, and very tasty too. Ha.
ReplyDeleteI do the same thing only with goat cheese. Yes--good.
ReplyDeleteportobellos are so tasty. i like them grilled as well... and everything is better with cheese :o)
ReplyDeleteOh the portobello. Very nummy. That cheese sounds good, too. One of my favorite fattening things is stuffed mushrooms. Stuffed with seafood and cheese. Oh lord, that's good. Thanks for another great cooking idea.
ReplyDeleteSame page, love it.
That looks like a very expensive dish--both figuratively and literally.
ReplyDeleteI see what you mean! Portobello is a fungi to be with.
The Good Luck Duck
O that looks so good. I'll be right over! I love Portobellos...with any kind of cheese, and they are good in omelettes too. Usually a smaller amount of the good stuff is better than trying to substitute, yes? Specially in cheese.
ReplyDeleteYUM! Looks tasty :)
ReplyDeleteWe first had Portobello's on burgers at a friends house a few years ago when you could buy them at Costco really cheap. I'd heard of them but never tried them. As both Derek and I bit into our grilled Portobello burgers (no meat just 'shroom) our friends said "be careful the insides of the grilled mushroom can be molten HOT!!" -which was just a second too late as we both suffered the WORST burns on the roofs of our mouths that seemed to last for WEEKS! We were both trying to be really cool and slammed beer down but it was too late to soothe the blisters that were forming :(
Sounds delicious and that cheese sounds intriguing. I will have to look for it. Hope you're high and dry!
ReplyDeleteWe do get those mushrooms here too, but I have never seen Manchego cheese, more the pity! We enjoy adding mushrooms to things, and they seem to me to be a good replacement for meat in the diet. Unfortunately cheese prices have gone sky high here, and even the most generic, produced by the identical hundred thousand, variety is boarding on the luxurious! A friend of mine used to buy English Stilton cheese from a speciality deli shop, and it was always a huge treat having lunch with him!
ReplyDeleteHi Dennis, thanks, tasted really great.
ReplyDeleteHi Patti, thanks, I get goat cheese too, this cheese is sheep's milk cheese.
Hi Michele, thanks, I have heard of them grilled, but am always too lazy to heat up the grill for a mushroom. Plus how do you keep them from sticking?
Hi Teresa, thanks, I used to make stuffed mushrooms quite a bit but since I'm gluten free I am still looking for a substitute for cracker crumbs or flour.
Hi Ms. Sparrow, thanks, I don't think it's too expensive figuratively and the mushrooms were't that bad price wise. We save quite a bit of money not getting sodas, chips, processed foods, desserts, etc, so we can splurge occasionally on these items.
Hi Roxanne, thanks, yes a fungi to be with, or a fungus among us. Ha. Thanks for stopping by.
Hi Barbara, thanks, yes substituting sometimes just doesn't get it, once your taste buds know the real thing.
Hi Cindy, thanks, Oh my, my mouth is burning from your description. Even as I took these out of the pan when I placed the mushroom in my mouth I tested with my front teeth to see how hot it was before I put a bite inside my mouth.
Hi Marguerite, thanks, this cheese is really good, they usually package it in smaller packages to keep the price down. I think I got it at Trader Joes the first time, they don't have one here in Florida, but the speciality cheese section of our grocery had it.
Hi Peter, thanks, and here I would have thought you'd have less expensive cheese there in your country rather than the opposite. This cheese is made from sheep's milk, someone over there needs to start up a sheep's cheese making business. Everything here has gotten so expensive we can barely afford to eat. We've been going to a fruit and vegetable stand and for $10 a week we've been getting vegetables and fruit having them as our main meal to save money; their produce is much less than the grocery store; the stand gives $5 off after we spend $50 which we now have done. So our next purchase will be less with them, every little bit helps.