
Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentines Day & Reviewing Pottery

As I was looking through my past blog posts for this photo of Valentines heart pendants and ring dishes, I began reviewing my pottery. I find reviewing past work is a great way to be inspired for future work. Building a pottery website is one of my goals for this year. Reviewing my pottery is the first step in organizing my thoughts for the website.

Everything I'm looking for pottery wise is in the storage unit and everything I don't need is in the studio in a box. Ugh. I wish there was a Valentines gnome who would magically unpack and organize my studio. Happy Valentines Day to you all. Thanks for reading and for all your comments.


  1. Soon you will be all unpacked and happy in your new home.

  2. Boxes have a Murphy's law I think, the things you want aren't ever where they are most available. Happy Valentines Day, Linda! Looking forward to your web site too!

  3. Happy Valentine's Day! I have always loved that photo of your heart dishes.

  4. LOVE those hearts. Thank you.
    And packing is a vile job but unpacking is worse.

  5. Nice to see those little hearts again. Perhaps I could send a weaving fairy your way. Oh, wait, that was my sister and me.
    Happy valentine's day.

  6. What a nice surprise to see your beautiful pottery once again...I am looking forward to all your new ideas.

  7. What a nice surprise to see your beautiful pottery once again...I am looking forward to all your new ideas.

  8. Hi Meredith, thanks, I am not so sure how soon it will be; it seems so daunting.

    Hi Barbara, thanks, we have the boxes labeled but not well enough. Ha.

    Hi Michele, thanks, they seemed to lend themselves to the circle.

    Hi Elephant's child, thanks, I don't know which is worse.

    Hi Joanne, thanks, I wish I had a fairy or my sister close by, either could motivate me more. Ha.

    Hi Dee, thanks, I seem to be in a standstill mode, not sure where to begin with anything right now. lol


I love suggestions, questions, critiques, thanks for your comment