
Monday, February 24, 2014

Lemon Plum

At the grocery store the other day I took a chance and purchased a couple of lemon plums. What a find. I tried one this morning for breakfast and it's so delicious, with a sweet, citrus, and tangy flavor, and very fragrant. The plums were slightly yellow in color when I purchased them. They ripened to a beautiful sunset red orange color in a day or two in my home. They're more of a lemon color inside.

The fruit is a rare plum imported from Chile and is only available sporadically in the month of February. The shape reminds me of the elephant heart plums I grew in California. Perhaps they're related. I'm running back to the grocery to see if I can get more lemon plums before the supply is gone. Still don't know how to use the macro on Gary's camera, these are not in focus but at least you get the idea of what the plum looks like. Thanks for reading and for all your comments.


  1. I have never seen those in the store. We have some sort of plum tree in our yard. It seems they either drop or get buggy before we can eat any.

  2. Linda, these plums delight visually, making me want to taste them. Only in February? I'd better hurry.

  3. I love plums, and these look really great. Rushing off to Whole Foods to see if they may have them. Haven't seen them in the regular grocery.

  4. They sound delightful - and are not something I have ever seen here. I wonder whether we do import them? And whether I could justify the food miles and try one?

  5. They are pretty. I'll take a look for them.

  6. Our plum trees are blooming right now, but are just the ordinary purple plums. We also have a pluot, but we have never seen a lemon one. Must be very tasty. I am going to look out for them. I love plums, too. Thanks, Linda....

  7. I'd never heard of this plum, but it sounds/looks absolutely delicious. Really intrigued as I looove fruit!

  8. Hi Michele, thanks, I had never seen these either, it pays to peruse the fresh produce section slowly, they seem to intersperse them around in different places.

    Hi Lee, thanks and welcome, I am amazed at what I find that's unique at the grocery nowadays.

    Hi Barbara, thanks, I got them at Ingles, I think that's a east coast grocery, not sure what ones you have in Texas.

    Hi Elephant's Child, thanks, I seem to have accepted that there is now a global economy and go with the flow.

    Hi Joanne, thanks, it is amazing what different localities choose to import, I am always surprised.

    Hi Charlene, thanks, most of the plums in the grocery I have avoided as they weren't very tasty but these were an exception as they were ripe enough when I bought them for me to know that they wouldn't be hard as rocks and bitter like they usually are.

    Hi Kittie, thanks, I am going to keep my eye out for other unique fruits by taking my time in the produce section.

  9. Very interesting! They look delicious.

  10. I've never seen them before either but I'll start looking, they sound delicious.

  11. This is the first time I've seen this plum. The fruit intrigued me a lot because you said they were delicious and the color orange looks so beautiful. I wish I could buy some in my town.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Hi Gigi, thanks, I had another one the next morning and it was just as good, no more at the grocery, other folks must have liked them too, one thing they were riper than most fruit I find at the grocery which made them tastier.

    Hi Lori, thanks, they were really good while they lasted. ha.

    Hi Sapphire, thanks, the one I saved for the next day got even more red on the outside but was golden yellow on the inside, it's the best plum I've ever had, hope you can find them in Japan.

  14. I went back to the grocery yesterday and they still had some lemon plums so I got a few more.


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