The sun isn't even up and I am out taking a photo for this post. I finally saved up enough money to have the electrician come and run a dedicated wire for the used Skutt 181 kiln I picked up for a very reasonable price. I am setting it up on my back screen porch and I plan on installing concrete backer board behind and beside it. I am keeping the kiln about 1.5 feet from the wall. Out the screen is one of my plots of lavender which is in bloom now. When I am not working in clay, I am taking care of my lavender farm,
Springville Lavender Gardens. A little farther you can see oak, sycamore, cottonwood and willow trees along the Tule River. Beyond the river is a view of the Sierra Mountains. In winter I can see snow covered peaks. Writing about the spectacular views I have here has made me re-appreciate them.

Now before you think I am putting the kiln on a tile floor, look again. That is concrete we painted to simulate terra cotta tile. And we did a pretty good job if I do say so myself. Well it should be a good job, it took about two weeks on the hands and knees and lots of elbow grease to get the color just right. Today, I noticed the cat door is about 2 feet away and it's plastic. I'm not sure how much ambient heat will radiate that direction, but I can always put up a shield for it. And, of course, I will keep it closed when the kiln is in operation. I am also planning on installing a lock on the screen door to be sure no one enters when the kiln is in operation.
I've got do a bit of watering and wait for the electrician to arrive - kiln news to be continued.