Thursday, August 18, 2016

Flea Market Project

At the trash to treasures sale last Friday I got a dvd holder with the intention of modifying it to hang clothes to sell. By cutting out the middle dowels we can now use the holder to hang clothes we no longer use.  Previously I had the clothes folded neatly but folks rifled through them and they ended up in disarray. Clothes sell well when they are more visible and neatly hung on hangers. Hopefully this new system increases sales for clothes. Every little bit we can sell helps pay for dental work we both need. Thanks for reading and for all your comments.


  1. A far more sensible method...and, one that will definitely cut down on the the labour spent after the public has finished rifling through everything!

    1. Hi Lee, thanks, yes the rifling through was a pain in the petute.

  2. I hope your ingenuity meets with deserved success.

    1. Hi Sue, thanks, we shall see, Gary is usually the one who goes to the trash to treasures sale. Last week he was selling clothes and one woman picked up a blouse for $2 and she asked Gary if had a bag and he didn't so she threw the blouse back down. Gary said it's only $2, if some folks only knew. This week I've given him my recycled bags from the grocery, we shall see.


I love suggestions, questions, critiques, thanks for your comment