We promised ourselves we'd take a day off once a week to visit local attractions. A week almost passed us by, but today we visited Rainbow Springs State Park, which is about half an hour from our home.

The springs are the fourth largest in Florida and the artesian spring produces 450 million gallons of water a day. The springs come from the ground ever so clear and teaming with wildlife both in and out of the water.

Today we saw so many flowers in bloom, including dogwood, redbud, azalea, flag iris, honeysuckle and many others I wasn't immediately able to identify. We also saw schools of fish, lots of turtles, and so many birds, including a pair of bald eagles squabbling in mid-air over a fish one of them caught.

Kayaks and paddle boats are available to rent to take down the river and there's an area set aside to swim in the crystal clear water. Today we were content to walk a short distance exploring the paths along the river wetlands.

Where the water is aqua green, the bottom is lined with white limestone which reflects back and shows an aqua color. In some places the water was over twenty feet deep. I couldn't decide which photos to show you. These are just a few of the highlights. Comments and suggestions are welcome.
All of your photos tugged at my heart, but especially the one at the very top. Oh, if only I could feel the heat on my neck, the crunch of branches underfoot. What a beautiful day!
ReplyDeleteWhat a nice day trip and it seems that you're settling into your new home pretty quickly. Forgot to mention that I really like the grey green paint color you chose for your house which is similar to the color of my house.
ReplyDeleteHi Kittie, thanks, the first photo was the first one I took during the middle of the day, since I was standing in shade the camera made it look like dusk, almost like a painting. Off in the distance on the lazy river we could just see a kayak or two floating down the river. It was about 80 degrees with big puffy clouds and a gentle breeze. One of these days we hope to go in a boat down the river. I'll bet there are places just like this in Louisiana. It was a great day.
ReplyDeleteHi Sue, thanks, we are hoping to get things done and take day trips before the really hot and rainy weather comes. I am reconsidering the green color because it seems too dark and green to me, we shall see I have to decide quickly before it gets too hot to paint.
My 3 year old Granddaughter is helping me type this, so excuse any extra letters :) I think a day off and out is a great idea. My husband and I need to do that. Take time to stop and see the beauty around us. You choose such a lovely place to settle. I'm glad you enjoying it.
ReplyDeleteHi Cindy, thanks, what a little helper you have, Ha, how fun. We've driven by many places and once we stop they are so much more spectacular; even small parks or just looking at the landscapes in neighborhoods. Gary and I find we have some great conversations while we are driving too, when the woes, worries and work needed at home are out of our minds.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fascinating park! How fortunate you are to have such a beautiful place not far away from your house!! The aqua green river looks so inviting. I like turtles.
ReplyDeleteAre they terrestrial? I once took care of a turle, Taro, which was Mauremys. The one in your photo looks like him!!
I love "day tripping" to your Blog Linda -you never fail me ;o) I've read this post a couple of times as my mind needed the lush grotto near your home as we got an unexpected 8" of wet, sloppy, cold snow yesterday during a freak "Spring" snowstorm....
ReplyDeletebeautiful pictures! a great idea to commit to taking a day trip every week. it's a perfect way to get to know your new state.
ReplyDeleteSince Jonathan works indoors all week he doesn't want to be inside, so with the weather permiting we usually go have a nice lunch and then explore~~~also do our shopping together~~~and I find it a great time to just sit back, see the town, people watch, and talk, our best talks have been while going some where like the Coast, etc~~~Glad you are finding the time to enjoy what is around you :)
ReplyDeletelinda- okay, so you are a photographer too. gorgeous pics. hope you're continuing to settle in at your new home.
ReplyDeleteHi Sapphire, thanks, yes the aqua water was so beautiful. The turtles came up on land to sun themselves, but I think they are mostly aquatic. Apparently there is a large terrestrial turtle here called a gopher turtle, I hope one day to see one so I can take a photo.
ReplyDeleteHi Cindy, thanks, the tropicalness of the area reminds us of being on a tropical vacation without the cost. Ha. Hope to snow clears up soon for you.
Hi Carroll, thanks, yes Gary and I do the same and have our best talks when we are driving along, sometimes it's even just driving to the grocery story. Ha.
Hi Amy, thanks, I was hoping I captured even a bit of what the springs looked and felt like when we were there.
Hi Michele, thanks, this next week is almost passing us by again, I may have a hard time keeping up that promise the way things are going, we shall see.
ReplyDeleteLinda excellent blog and photos. I will be driving from Sarasota to visit this area June 2011, and will be visiting Rainbow Springs. I shoot travel and marketing videos in HD, and can't wait to see this place. All the best.
ReplyDeleteHi Charles, thanks for stopping by. there are are many other places up here to visit too, be sure to check out my post about the Crystal River Mounds State Park and others, your bicycle mounted video camera sounds interesting I'll check out your blogs.