In 1975 I was renting a house in the Ocean District of San Francisco. My landlady lived next door but had lived in the house I rented for many years and had created beautiful gardens. The back yard was totally filled with flower gardens except a small walkway in a horseshoe shape. I remember there were the largest most beautiful red poppies growing in the garden.

I had a black cat with yellow eyes named Poncho. When he was a kitten he used to hide behind the old couch in the living room a lot. When my girlfriends would come over for our sewing group, he'd run out and bite someone on the leg and run back and hide behind the couch. Eventually he outgrew that habit, thank goodness.

One Sunday afternoon I really needed to do the laundry since I had no clean clothes. Since I had no washer and dryer I had to go to a public laundromat. I had a large wicker laundry basket I had purchased at Cost Plus. Remember Cost Plus? I think it was the forerunner to World Market. Anyway I packed my laundry in the basket along with my soap and carried it out to my car, a 1954 Firedome De Soto. I loved that car. It had a hemi engine and the most comfortable two-tone blue, mohair upholstered seats.

I remember I had one of those white woven fabric purses with a zipper. The purse really had no form other than that of what was placed in side it. I'd put off going to the laundromat as I really hated the task. For some reason that day I didn't want to to the laundromat even more because I had the feeling someone was going to try and steal my purse. I couldn't get the feeling out of my head. You know how you get those feelings every once in a while. Well maybe you don't, but I often do.

Anyway the day was getting late and I had barely enough time to get there and get the laundry done before the laundry closed. Even though the feeling about my purse being stolen was so strong, I decided to go to the laundromat anyway. I was completely out of clothes and I had to go back to work the next day, Monday, and wouldn't have another chance to do the laundry till a week later. I told myself I'd keep my purse on my arm the whole time and not set it down under any circumstances.

Finally my clothes were dry and I went to the front folding table and started folding my clothes, again with my purse on my arm. By this time my arm was getting really tired with the weight of the purse while I was folding my clothes, but I kept the purse on my arm. Finally I had the sheets to fold. You know how hard it is to fold sheets they are so long. And your arm is never long enough to get them folded neatly. I thought I'd just put my purse inside the basket for a second while I folded the last sheet. After all my wicker laundry basket was right beside me and there was no one around.
So I put my purse down while I folded the last sheet and as I was about to put the sheet into the basket, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a movement near my basket. The next thing I saw two boys about 17 years old or so running by the front window and one had his arm up. I didn't see what he was holding, but I knew he was carrying my white woven purse. I dropped my sheet and ran out of the laundromat running after them as fast as I could. Back in those days I was in really good shape and could out run just about anyone. But the boys were tall with longer legs than me and they had a head start on me.
They ran down the street and around the corner and down a couple of blocks. I ran down the street and around the corner and down a couple of blocks too. Then they ran around the corner and down a couple more blocks with me following behind them. Somehow they were loosing me. They must have been track stars or something. All the while I was yelling at them saying they could keep the money just give me back my purse, that I needed my medicine (I didn't have any medicine, but thought that might convince them to drop the purse). Then I was yelling I needed my car keys and house keys. They never missed a step, but kept on running, so I followed as fast as I could.
They ran across a school yard towards a school and it was there they split up but I knew which one had the purse because he had his arm up holding it in front of him. But I saw I wouldn't catch him because he obviously knew the neighborhood better than me. I figured once he got to the school buildings I wouldn't be able to see which way he had gone. I stopped running, out-of-breath, not believing what had just happened. I felt a little anger and foolishness at myself for not listening to the voice which told me about my purse being stolen.
All of a sudden I realized I had no house keys, no car keys, no identification, and not even a dime for a phone call. As I was standing on the side of the street a family came up in the car and parked it and got out. I told them what had happened and asked if I could use their phone. They said sure. As we were walking up to the front door, a white 4wd pick up with big tires drove up and a guy with a big black beard and one of those popular Afro hairdos of the day got out of the truck and walked up to me and handed me my purse.

I was flabbergasted since I had not seen this truck, or any vehicles for that matter, as I ran after the two boys who had stolen my purse. In fact there was no traffic on the road in that neighborhood at all late on that Sunday afternoon. I started exclaiming, "Thank you, thank you, over and over again to the guy" and "How did you get my purse back" and saying, "Let me give you a reward".
The man just held up the palm of his hand in an all encompassing type of gesture which said "No problem, don't worry, no reward necessary, and no need to exclaim" and he walked off without a word. He never spoke a word, but just got in his truck and drove away, leaving me standing there dumbstruck. The family standing there was dumbstruck too. I asked them if they knew the guy or the truck and they said they'd never seen him or the truck before. As I walked back to the laundromat, I looked in my purse and nothing had been touched, it hadn't even been opened.
The photo of the young man is one from the Metropolitan Museum of Art of an ancient Egyptian Fayum mummy portrait and does look quite a bit like the man as I recall his face. Every once in while when I remember that day so long ago, I'm still dumbstruck by the whole incident and by my incredible luck.
great story Linda- your own little angel.
ReplyDeleteI am (almost) mute before the beauty of how the Universe works. What a wonderful affirmation. I am so glad you shared this. Life is a mystery, but I love all the clues... :)
ReplyDeleteHoly Moly, what a story and what an encounter.
ReplyDeleteHe might have witnessed what happened, drove the creep down and took the purse back. That would be the ratiional explanation, I prefer the mysterious one.
And that car! Beyond cool!
ReplyDeleteWow, what a great story! Precognition at work and was that guy in the white truck a protector or what??
ReplyDeleteWould love to repost this one on our blog.
Hi Meredith, thanks, yes must have been angel because I never saw a car that afternoon, of course I was really intent on getting my purse back.
ReplyDeleteHi Teresa, thanks, yes the clues if we only pay attention to them. I shared this story as I discovered the blog Synchronicity last night which prompted me to write this event down in a post.
Hi Patti, thanks, funny I was thinking of you last night when I wrote this, thinking the length was kind of like some of your posts where I just can't wait to get to the end and kind of know where it is going, but kind of don't. yes, I Prefer the mysterios one too.
Hi Teresa, thanks, that car has a story too, more later.
Hi Trish and Rob, go ahead and repost, I have several precognition incidents that have happened to me where I just can't explain the circumstances in a rational way.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great story -- and so well told!
ReplyDeleteWow, incredible story and what a great ending! You were very lucky! I'm always like that with my purse,I never put it down or else I leave it in my car trunk, and just put my keys, money, and phone in my pockets.
ReplyDeleteHoly Cow!! What a great story and I LOVE that car :o)
ReplyDeleteWhat an amazing story! Wow! I felt my heart racing as you raced down the street. And the ending...well, like Teresa said, I'm (almost) muted. Yes, the signs are all around us.
ReplyDeleteLove your car. Remember the DeSoto commercials. Okay, girl, tell us about your car (pretty please!)
We love those precog stories. hey fit squarely under the synchro umbrella. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteWe love those precog stories. hey fit squarely under the synchro umbrella. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteIt was a long story but worth the read. fascinating.
ReplyDeleteHi Judy, thanks, glad you enjoyed it.
ReplyDeleteHi Marguerite, thanks, a visitor on your blog had me visiting them and then I remember this incident from long ago, glad you liked it. I now carry just a wallet in my pocket.
Hi Cindy, thanks, yeah too bad they don't make De Soto any longer.
Hi Kittie, thanks, I don't remember any De Soto commercials, oh the info about the car isn't a story or anything, just sad on how I had to give it up.
Hi Trish and Rob, thanks, they fit somewhere that's for sure.
Hi Beach Vintage, thanks, glad you stuck with the story, wanted to have a little background to set the stage for time element in the story, back in the 1980s.
What a great story! You are a fantastic story teller too. And I love that car.
ReplyDeleteHi Amber, thanks, glad you enjoyed it. I do miss my big old car.
ReplyDeleteLinda, thanks for your computer comment...yep, back to Best Buy. The insurance we bought turned out to be poop! What saved the day was the first crew that worked on the computer...the Geek Squad had a waiting list, I wanted to get this computer fixed before I lost my temp so contacted a local geek company a neighbor had been pleased with. They identified the glitch, only charged $100.00 for long hours here. Then, like I blogged that senior guy at Best Buy saved the day as the 'kids' had provided me the lingo to tell him when we brought the computer in. Actually, suspicion lingers that the software wasn't installed properly in the first place. Anyway, all's well now but I definitely felt 'had' cause that insurance wasn't cheap.
ReplyDeleteThat was a fascinating story! So much energy in the telling and the events.
ReplyDeleteHi Kittie, thanks, yeah seems insurance isn't what we think it is any longer.
ReplyDeleteHi Mary, thanks, yes you're right a lot of energy - I felt it when I was writing the story and when I tell others about it.