Several of my potter blogger friends posted tours of their studios, you can see Dennis, Judy, and Tracey's studios here. When Judy suggested folks post their studios I was mortified at the condition of my work areas, very messy. I decided I needed to do a little organizing before I could show you my studio space.

Here is part one of my studio tour. My studio is located in several areas of my home. The garage, utility room, and one of the bedrooms. Today I'll show you the garage area. The first photo is a long shot of my half of the garage. You can see I've got it pretty filled up. The second photo is the raku kiln which is on Gary's side of the garage. I'd like to remedy that, but for now at least it's on wheels and can be moved around if necessary.

As you enter the garage on the left is the chop saw I use to cut the wood for my tile and wood plaques, like the woodland spirit I made a while ago, and various other projects like when I built my market shelf system. Under the saw I have a storage cabinet for my jewelry supplies.

Next is a ware cart for my tile projects. It has wheels and can be rolled around if necessary.

Here's my slab roller, which a friend made me back in California. I keep it covered when not in use; it also doubles as a wrapping and boxing station for mailing pottery. Under the slab roller are extra boxes.

Next is my big Skutt kiln in action. I still can't believe I have this kiln. I sold my little kiln to make more room in the garage. Hope I won't regret it, but that gave Gary more room.

Here's a bookcase we had which just fits under the breaker box and plug for the kiln. I use it to store more tile projects, some chemicals and a few underglazes.

This is the ware cart where I store my kiln shelves, posts, and when I load and unload the kiln. There's some house paint up on top too.

Here's my glazing table and glaze storage cabinet. Behind the glaze table to the right are rolling carts which divide the garage in half. Today I put some landscape fabric on my side to hide the clutter from my view. It makes my side of the garage seem more like it's own room but air can still flow through.
Beyond the glaze table I have my lumber storage area. I keep the lumber up on wood blocks to keep air flow so it doesn't warp. That's also where I store my market shelves and market tent and pottery packed in bins to take to shows. Come back again and I'll take you inside to show you my photo area, office desk where I type this blog, the greenware storage areas and my work station.
I had no idea you had such an elaborate, space consuming set up. But then you have so many projects, you need the room. I love that Gary has his own section of the garage. Now that is sweet though I notice you do invade his space occasionally.
ReplyDeleteThat is the home of an artist.
Not fair, you have way too much room :)
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad bloggers are doing this tour thing, it's fun to see where everyone is working! I have chop saw envy...
OMG...I would never, ever post my studio (garage). I'd be so embarrased. Every once in awhile, I take a leaf blower to it and call it clean. ha ha ha...
ReplyDeleteGreat space! Thanks for the tour!!
ReplyDeleteWow! A space so big it can't fit in one blog post. Who knew?
ReplyDeleteI'm totally jealous of how much space you have and what an elaborate set up you use. Good for you:-)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tour. I have space envy! Now I want everyone to post a tour while there is work in progress. I just want to see if everyones studio gets as messy and disorganized as mine.
ReplyDeleteYou are so organized! Love your space and thanks for the tour!
ReplyDeleteso neat and organized! perhaps i should do a tour of our disorganized and messy space.
ReplyDeleteI loved the tour and am amazed at how clean you are able to keep it. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary
ReplyDeleteit is fun to see people's work space. It's a lot like the fascination with the tools people use! Nice space Linda! spacious too ;) thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteblog looks great, btw!
Looks pretty darn organized to me! I want your rolling cart!
ReplyDeleteYour studio is very organized and awesome! Thanks for the tour. I have been thinking of the very issues you raised on my last post: what would happen to our three kitties if something happened to us? My friend M was to take them but she moved to Maine and is in an apt. My parents are elderly...I can't bear the idea of their being separated and (god forbid) taken to a shelter...maybe I should will them a lot of $$ for a caretaker!! ;)they are my furr babies...
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting Linda..coool space you have created...:)..(yes, this kind of challenge is good, as it makes one aware of what needs to be tidied..lol)..I need to tidy mine a bit before a photo!
ReplyDeleteGood eve. T.
Hi Patti, thanks, I had no idea I had so much stuff and took up so much space till I posted this.
ReplyDeleteHi Tracey, thanks, my last studio was small, but I made the same amount of work there as here I think. We got that chop saw at our last house to install the laminate flooring so now I get to use it for fun.
Hi Turquoisemoon, thanks, wait till you see the next post, it is tre messy.
Hi Linda, thanks, welcome, hope you stop by again.
HI Dennis, thanks, well it probably would fit, but I wanted to show more photos and it would have been too long for that.
Hi Lori, thanks, Gary sometimes says do I need all this and it makes me wonder if it is all worth it.
Hi Paula, thanks, stay tuned for the next post and I'll show you some messy areas.
Hi Judy, thanks, stay tuned for the disorganization coming up next.
Hi Michele, thanks, I'm feeling a bit guilty on the compliments on my organization wait till you see the next post.
Hi Mary, thanks, Gary keeps the garage pretty clean and I keep the surfaces clean by wiping down after use.
Hi Linda, thanks, yes there is the fascination to see "how" other work, wondering what enables them to do what they do.
Hi Patricia, thanks, we've had that cart for years used to be in our kitchen two houses ago and now it's storage, but the rolling part is convenient. I could see one of those in your studio/gallery, perhaps a farm style one.
Hi Wye, thanks, we thought about that when we were moving thinking we might get in accident and both be killed and what would happen to our cats, something to think about.
Hi Trish, thanks, wait till you see the next post, at least it will motivate me to do more organization.
Wow, what a great studio! Looks very clean and organized to me. And I love that speed limit sign! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteHi Marguerite, thanks, Gary has a whole collection of traffic signs, license plate some old as 1924 and even a traffic stop light that works. Ha.!