Saturday, November 3, 2018

A Rabbit Visitor

We had a rabbit visitor the other day. Out our dining room window Gary saw this rabbit. I took the photo through the window quite a distance away. Not the greatest photo but still it was a pleasure to see him resting after eating the wild grasses on the hill above. I wonder if he'll turn all white for winter? Thanks for reading and for all your comments.


  1. It is a long time since I have seen a wild bunny. And ours never turn white for winter.

  2. Hi Sue, thanks, he looks kind of pudgy doesn't he, guess he needs it for insulation for the winter cold.

  3. I'v e not seen any rabbits on this property here where I live...but I frequently do see hares.

  4. Hi Lee, thanks, I have not seen any hares but only rabbits. ha.


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