Friday, August 16, 2019

Vases in Colors

 Here are a few vases from the last firing. This one is lavender and is about 4 inches tall.
 This one is coral and is about 4 inches tall.
 This one is dark green and is about 3 inches tall.
This one is about 9 inches tall. The color is actually green and gold but the morning light shaded it blue. Ha. I'll be at the farmers market tomorrow from 7 am to 1 pm and it'll be the hottest day so far this summer. Ugh. I'm bringing a fan. Thanks for reading and for all your comments.


  1. These are lovely. I noticed the colors show better with natural light than with the orange-flare that happens with indoor lighting!

    1. Hi Barbara, thanks, I have a terrible time with lighting and neglect to mess with it any more.

  2. Lovely things in your signature style.

    1. Hi Sue, thanks, for some reason I am drawn to make these, they always turn out the shape they want no matter what I plan.

  3. Nice work. Do you display them with flowers?
    I particularly like the way you put a button at the top.

    1. Hi Suzi, thanks, when I remember to cut some flowers from my garden I bring them to the market, sometimes I even just bring sage leaves or greenery. Folks are drawn to the button or ribbons more than the plain ones for sure.

  4. Oh, boy! These are beautiful, Linda! I love them!


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