How did I know
artichokes would be available at the grocery when I sent Gary to pick up a few items. Because it's Spring which means it's artichoke season. When I lived in California I grew artichokes. The photo above is the flower of the artichoke which emerges if the artichoke isn't picked. I was glad at the time I didn't pick this artichoke. This relative of the thistle is spectacular in bloom. California produces nearly 100 percent of the artichokes eaten in the United States. I just read that a hardy variety of artichoke is now available. Since artichokes are so nutritious I'll have to search for some seed. I'm just reading now there's an
artichoke tea. Another nutritious items to add to my grocery list.

Headlines are filled with a multitude of proposed tax hikes. Crime is rising all over the country and criminals are let out of jail without bond, even murderers and rapists. Then there are reports of numerous terrorist watch-list folks sneaking across our southern border. Migrants with a myriad of covid mutations are being bused all over our country. These reports all raise my blood pressure. Since January I've documented the skyrocketing food and fuel prices. I'm at a loss on how to cope or how to proceed, so I decide to eat an artichoke.
I cut off the stem of an artichoke so the bottom is flat and place it in a steamer basket with water. I steam it approximately 30 to 45 minutes till the outer stems pull away freely with a tong. I place a generous dollop of mayonnaise on a plate and proceed to enjoy the vegetable. (Artichoke and asparagus are about the only time I use mayonnaise). I peel each leaf off, then using my teeth I scrape the soft inner flesh from the leaf. Before I can even reach the heart of the artichoke my plate is full of discarded leaves. At this point I've perhaps had two tablespoons of the sweet and nutty vegetable. But I am thinking of the artichoke and not any news reports and that's a good thing. Oh and I've also learned there is a liqueur made from artichokes called Cynar and it is used to make an aperitif called Cin-Cyn popular in Switzerland.

Over a year of isolation has precipitated upon my lifestyle and livelihood a slew of problems including medical ones due to the covid. My blood pressure has been increasing each month incrementally. My hands have a rash which won't go away. My teeth also need attention. Now my eyesight has deteriorated exponentially; I was worried I was going blind. I wasn't able to see birds at the bird feeder except as a blur. I'd put off going to any doctors, finally going to an eye doctor. It seems I have cataracts in both eyes. My left eye feels like there's a film across it, which means the cataract is pronounced. I have to get my blood pressure regulated so I can have cataract surgery. Of course all of this raises my blood pressure which I need to regulate before any surgery, which means I have to go to another doctor.

I've finished eating all the leaves of the artichoke and I am now down to the prized heart. I usually use a spoon and remove what is called the choke from the center to reveal the heart. This time I just use my fingers and scoop out the choke to uncover the heart. I break the heart portion into four parts and dip them into the luxurious mayonnaise and eat each morsel with delight. There's a dab of mayonnaise left on the plate. Since I'm eating alone I use my finger to lick the last bit. I say to myself I'm going to enjoy every last morsel because I never know what tomorrow may bring. Don't choke on the choke instead enjoy the heart.
Be Safe, Be Well
I am so very sorry to hear about your health woes - and hope that you can get your BP under control and have the cataracts removed. I have heard nothing but good about that surgery.
ReplyDeleteI love artichokes but rarely eat them. I should.
Hi Sue, thanks, I was surprised at how good they are for me.
DeleteLinda, I too am sorry about your health issues. Cataract surgery isn't difficult and makes things a lot brighter. I had it in 1917. As for the BP, I'd recommend not listening to the news. That helps me. And we love artichokes. Sometimes I steam them, but mostly I stuff them. Stuffed artichokes are delicious! And I think artichoke plants are so unusual. I saw my first at a B&B garden in Fredericksburg, TX.
ReplyDeleteHi Rian, thanks, I always steam them. Sometimes I get canned artichokes and make artichoke and spinich dip. I love the flower they have. I haven't been listening to the news at all, but I do read a bit and Gary tells me about it.
DeleteSorry to hear about your health Linda and wish you only the very best. I feel my blood pressure go up when the news is on so have started turning off more and more.
ReplyDeleteOn a happier note thanks for sharing the recipe for stuffed artichokes. I have never fixed a fresh one at home, and only remember ones at a restaurant years ago when there was a family gathering. I'll give this a try. Thank you!