Thursday, June 17, 2021


wondering, how did I make these?
was I more creative then, did I take more risks?

didn't worry it wouldn't work, just made it

slab of clay got a crease, just used it

made dried out left over clay into something, anything

got crazy, didn't care

never fired, put back to the earth cause we moved
never offered for sale, why, I don't know
sits on the shelf collecting dust in the solarium

today's post is an exercise in motivation


  1. Love your work - and hope it HAS prodded your motivation.

    1. Hi Sue, thanks, I find I have to make pieces so I'll have enough stock to sell at the market which doesn't allow for much time to experiment. Guess I waster the covid year, too late now.

  2. Those are all so unusual and creative! Lovely! I'm always drawn to those colors in photo 3, with the creases and the handle. Sometimes looking at older work is just what we need, to snap out of the doldrums, right? I'm cleaning out household & came across an old publication that had something in it that really caught my eye. Then I looked again...saw my name as the one who made it. What a surprise!

    1. Hi Barbara, thanks, amazing you didn't realize it was your own work from long ago, super fun.


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