Wednesday, June 1, 2022

2022 June White Rabbit

Bet you thought I forgot about white rabbit for this month, not so, I need all the good luck I can get. Had to voluntarily give up my license because I can't see well enough to pass the drivers eye test. Actually, I can hardly see anything, it's all blurry and I can only see the computer because I get within a few inches of the screen and can make the print large. Finally have my first cataract surgery scheduled for July 6 after waiting more than six months. Hardly anone can get a doctor's appointment nowadays. They are all back up. We shall see. Come to find out my bad eye is more complicated. Turns out the previous doctor I went to said they were an ophthalmologist, but they were only an optometrist, even though I asked point blank. Make sure you get references and get in writing who you are seeing and what their qualifications are. White rabbit to you all.



  1. I do hope your eye surgery makes a HUGE difference. Waiting lists are huge here too. Himself waited over a year to see a skin specialist about several cancers that need removing. He will now have to wait another three months before they do anything.
    As usual I forgot white rabbit.

    1. Hi Sue, thanks, it's amazing what has happened to medical care and lack there of, dh was told by his previous dentist that since he only come in for a cleaning and emergencies he wasn't a regular patient and in the same sentence they said they had taken on 2800 new patients due to all the folks moving here, what was he chopped meat?

  2. Sorry to hear about your eye troubles. Hope that removing cataract helps...others have said it was an easy surgery and they were amazed at how much better things looked.

    1. Hi Barbara, thanks, several folks we know have had the surgery and said it was amazing, "a real eye opener" lol, hopefully for me to


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