Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Chicken Marsala

Chicken Marsala

Aldi had a package of thin sliced chicken breast so I picked up a package of those and some asparagus and mushrooms. 
I precooked brown rice (it stays warm for quite some time in the pot).
I prepared my asparagus and put in a pot to be ready to steam.

I got my chicken ready by salt and peppering them and then dredging them in gluten free flour and setting the pieces of chicken aside to dry a bit. Two pieces of the chicken were a bit thicker than the others so I pounded them thinner so they would all cook uniformly.

I sliced and sautéed the mushrooms in some olive oil and butter. Once they were soft I transferred them to a bowl.

I put my asparagus on to begin steaming. Meanwhile I browned my chicken pieces in olive oil and butter in batches till they were all done and set them aside on a plate. Then I deglazed the pan with marsala wine, about 3/4 of a cup. See the flat wooden spoon on the upper right, that utensil works well to scrape the dripping without scratching the pan.

I put all the chicken pieces back in the pan in the marsala wine and then sprinkled the sautéed mushrooms over the top. I put a cover on the pan and let the marsala flavor the chicken and for the chicken to cook through. It doesn't take long because the chicken pieces were very thin.

I put down a bed of brown rice and place a piece of chicken on top and sprinkled a few mushrooms. Then I spoon some of the marsala gravy over the top. Alongside I place the steamed asparagus. There is something about marsala wine that's so tasty; it has a nice sweet flavor. There really wasn't that much gravy, next time I'll make an extra pot of the marsala wine thickened with some flour because it is so good spooned over the chicken, mushrooms, and rice.

Yes, you could use mashed potatoes or pasta instead of rice, but I always like it with rice. Rice can be cooked unattended and stays warm unlike making mashed potatoes or pasta. Purchase the marsala wine in the wine section of the store; cooking marsala is too vinegary to use for this recipe or for any recipe for that matter. This whole meal is cooked on the stovetop so the house doesn't get too warm using an oven. Enjoy !

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