Monday, July 3, 2023

House in Disarray

House in Disarray

Rose petals are on plates with plans to make rose water.
Marigold flowers are drying to brew a dye bath.
Packages of dye supplies lie about waiting to be organized.
Bags of cotton material are strewn about for future printing.
In a cabinet you'll see freshly picked tomatoes.
Cosmos and coreopsis are drying in the cabinet as well.
Fresh peaches are on a plate ripening on the table.
A colander of onion skins has been saved for a dye bath.
A lemon and lime are hardening, having been zested a day or so ago.
Anyone happening upon this House in Disarray
would surely be suspicious of the inhabitants mind set.
Still, I need to harvest the lemon balm and some basil.
There is thyme and oregano to pick and dry.
How could I forget the Spanish tarragon ready to be picked.
Our cat has forgotten about a few catnip leaves on the counter.
In all of this my husband says nothing, he's outside blowing the decks.
Yesterday he reorganized his garage and tinkered with the cars.
I keep adding to the disarray; I wonder how he can put up with it.
I read him this story and he says the disarray doesn't bother him one bit.
He kicks me out of the office, says he's going to vacuum the room.
He says he likes the new vacuum we bought recently.
The cat and I go out on the front porch to wait till he finishes.
We come back in and the vacuum cannister is nearly full.
All is back in its place and the House in Disarray is just fine.

1 comment:

  1. Creative disarray is a very different beast. And this certainly fits that label.


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