Monday, August 28, 2023

Eco Prints of Leaves

Eco Prints of Leaves

This is two batches of leaves. Aluminum Acetate mordant on watercolor paper. Some of my leaves did nothing after 2 hours steaming; I didn't bother showing you those. I added the extra time because I had to keep adding water and that may have lowered the temperature for a bit. The first photo shows peony leaf, cranesbill leaf, and lady's mantle.

Native maple and Japanese maple leaves. I am kind of disappointed in the leaves because I thought they would be darker like I have seen on fabric. I did notice if I leave a stem, the stem gives off a lot of tannin.
My pot isn't deep enough to keep the lid tightly on the top of the pot, so I may try laying them down in a different pot and steaming that way. So next I will try some leaves on some fabric to see what I come up with.
These are nandina leaves. Gary picked the leaves for me so some I am unclear what type they were which in hind sight isn't very useful. We live amongst the forest so there are lot of native trees I am unfamiliar with the varieties.
These are native maple leaves.
These are rose leaves.
These are a thick leafed plant, not sure what.
what they call turkey oak
pin oak ?

a very long thin leaf, not sure of variety.
Back to the dye pot for me. 

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