Saturday, August 5, 2023

Fried Green Tomatoes

Fried Green Tomatoes

I'm not sure I like fried green tomatoes,
the flesh tasted like a tangy vinegar?
I dipped them in potato starch
which was what I had on hand.
I didn't want to make up a full batter
as this was only a snack for myself.
This tomato was really hard and it took
quite some time for it to get soft.
Back to the drawing board.
If you have any tips please let me know.

1 comment:

  1. Probably, your tomato was a little too woody for frying. As the son of a country girl, I actually "feel" for the viability of a green tomato for frying, so that doesn't help you much, but when you cut one that is right for frying, you won't forget it. Now as to how to do fried green tomatoes, there are two major ways to do it. Dipped in beaten egg and then dipped in cornmeal and straight into hot oil is the easiest and far more popular in country kitchens. "Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistlestop Cafe" demonstrated the "battered" method, which is really, really good. Stay at home and eat them all afternoon dipped in freshly homemade mayonnaise, while dreaming of the old summertime in the Old South when I was a boy, while drinking bellywasher orange soda- that good. With grandma watching with a big smile. (what can I say? I'm 72, and the memories are still fresh and precious) You can find the battered recipes all over the internet, and the original Whistlestop Cafe version is alive and well and published. Bon chance! (does that hint at where I came from?)


I love suggestions, questions, critiques, thanks for your comment