Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Bottling Herbs and Spices

Bottling Herbs and Spices

At any given time in my house you can see fresh herbs
drying on cookie sheets on my coffee table.
Tonight I bottled up Thai Basil, Dill Seeds,
Thyme and Greek Oregano.

None of the herb strewn cookie sheets lying about
seem to bother Gary in the slightest.
I am thankful for a laid back husband
who has put up with my idiosyncrasies over the years.
Most of the herbs in my garden I planted about 10 years ago
and they continue to reward me with their bounty each year.
Plant a few herbs in your garden, they are easy to grow,
 take little water and are prized by pollinators and cooks alike.
Got to hurry and pick some more since next week
the weather is about to turn colder.

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