Eco Printing Leaves on a Cotton T Shirt

leaf eco print on cotton t shirt with sumac gallnut extract pre-mordant, aluminum acetate mordant, chalk bath, iron blanket front and back, barrier inside t shirt, barrier on exterior, steamed 90 minutes.
Leaves used are native maple, Japanese maple, native rose, native privet,
turkey oak, sumac, one lone quinquefolia on the front of t shirt
(will have to locate that one).
The iron blankets seem to have printed better than the shirt?
(they are the blue ones). The iron blankets were not mordanted.
These are just out of the steam and are all damp.
Please let me know what you think and what I can do to tweak these.
I meant to toss in some onions skins but forgot about that.
We shall see what the t shirt looks like after drying.
For eco printing one must embrace the serendipity.
Gorgeous things - that I would very happily wear.