Friday, January 5, 2024

Stovetop Smoky Cheese Macaroni

Stovetop Smoky Cheese Macaroni

Start out making a roux, butter and flour.
One quarter stick of butter and 2 table spoon of GF flour.
Cook on low till blended, then slowly add 1 cup
half and half or heavy cream and 1 cup milk.
Add two teaspoons ground turmeric and
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper and salt to taste.
Add four ounces of grated smoked gouda cheese
and four ounces of grated spicy gouda cheese.
Cook till cheese is melted. Meanwhile cook
GF farfalle pasta in salted water till al dente.
Drain pasta and add cheese mixture.
Plate pasta, then sprinkle with paprika and serve immediately
The cheese mixture makes enough for two batches of macaroni.
Enjoy !

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