Monday, January 8, 2024

White Chocolate Blueberry Cookies GF


White Chocolate Blueberry Cookies GF

Doing research and development on White Chocolate Blueberry Cookies GF, so no recipe. These could use a dab of blue food coloring I think. Also I may have baked them a little too long. Then there's making the choice of which brand of white chocolate chips to use.

I am using our organically grown blueberries which we grow right here in Blairsville, and only the finest other ingredients. The cookies didn't spread out as much as I thought they would. I used gluten free flour with xanthun gum added but may need to use 1:1 gf flour next time. There is a lot of chemistry involved in baking.
I am hoping to have some of these confections available for purchase in the Spring. These won't last long around here I can attest to that for sure.

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