Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Branzino Fish Steaks

Full discloser, this is not my photo.
 I did cook branzino fish steaks last night but forgot to take photos.
Branzino is also known as sea bass, European sea bass, etc.
When I was at the fish market a few weeks ago
I had them cut a rather large branzino fish into steaks.
They cut through the whole fish crosswise through the spine.
I can't tell you how delicious the fish tasted.
I just used salt and pepper and pan fried it in olive oil.
The steak was quite thick about 1.4 inches.
I kept turning to cook it through and get a nice crust.
The last few minutes I covered the pan ensuring a thorough cook.

Usually fish steaks aren't seen except for salmon or swordfish steaks.
Think about asking your fish monger for fish steaks when you shop.
Using a fish steak over a whole fish makes bone separation much easier.

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