Monday, June 24, 2024

Farm @ 180 - Purple Taters & Baby Beets

Purple Taters

Lately at all the various grocery stores they advertise purple potatoes, but only the skins are purple, not the flesh. When I saw on fb the Farm at 180 had purple potatoes I rushed to get some. The Farm at 180 is right here in Blairsville and they grow everything with organic practices. Purple potatoes have more nutrition than other varieties. Eat your colors, fruits and vegetables with colors are power houses of nutrition. Every time I try to think of a recipe no one has made, I am wrong. I usually roast potatoes, but I was thinking of purple potato soup. I do a search and there's purple potato soup all over the place. Now I see it's most often made with purple sweet potatoes, maybe I might be the first. 

Baby Beets

I also took advantage of getting some baby beets. Gary doesn't like beets so all of them will be for me. I love beets and like them any which way. Now let me see, how will I use the beets? Perhaps beet humus, I have roasted them before. Beet salad? Decisions, Decisions. We shall see what I come up with. Stay tuned.

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