Saturday, October 5, 2024

Making Goldenrod Dye

Making Goldenrod Dye

In your dye pot (use pot only for dyeing purposes), place equal parts spring water to equal parts fresh or dried goldenrod flowers. Bring to simmer, pressing down flowers with a wooden spoon (use spoon only for dyeing purposes), to submerge them, and simmer for one hour. Let cool naturally. Next strain out all the flowers, squeezing out as much dye water as you can.

You are left with a beautiful dye which can be used on scoured then mordanted fabric. Don't be alarmed if the dye looks a dark orangey color.It will dye your fabric a nice yellow color.
Here is the goldenrod dyed bandana. Keep in mind the bandana is still wet and it will dry a slightly lighter color. The bandana was pure white before it was submerged in the dye bath. It is drying on a makeshift clothesline I have strung up on the back deck. 
If you wish to turn this dye a green color, ferrous sulfate, (iron) may be added to the dye bath to change the color. A little iron goes a long way, so add sparingly. Making the green dye will probably be my next experiment. Keep your brain active and never stop learning. 

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