While I'm waiting for paint to dry between coats on my art fair shelves, I've been making slip pieces. I got the framework all painted and cut to size today and started to put it together. Wouldn't you know it, it started to rain and I was set up outside on saw horses. Then I realized the screws I had were too short. Tomorrow I'll get longer ones and put one of the shelf sets together.

I like the bowl better than the vase with this slip design. I textured the bowl and then applied the slip but didn't texture the vase, maybe that's the difference. The next snowflake bowl looks almost plain compared to the first two, but sometimes subtle is good too. I'm on my last block of b-mix, maybe then I'll be motivated to fire the kiln.

There's a chill in the air in the mornings, well chilly for Florida anyway. Had me thinking of falling leaves, pine trees, and snowflakes. So I was inspired to make that large snowflake bowl, then a large pine tree platter, and a large leaf platter.

I had almost forgotten there's a community wide yard sale Friday and Saturday. So I've been getting items ready for that sale, even a few pottery pieces. We're really trying to pare down our possessions. Would you believe I have a levi quilt I made in the early 1980s and never finished? It's levi squares on one side with a big red star in the middle and red squares on the other side with a big levi star. Not sure I can part with it; guess I'm a pack rat. Thank goodness we've moved a few times. Who knows how much stuff I'd have by now; all good stuff, of course.

The shuttle was delayed till Tuesday, then delayed till later, so we decided not to go. I think there's one more launch in February. Back real soon, hope to show you my shelves and hopefully fire the kiln this weekend while I'm here for the yard sale.
Pots look great Linda.
ReplyDeleteI am waiting to see your shelves!
Rain- I think it is coming our way but from Canada- it promises to be cold!
Boy...those are wonderful!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see your shelves. The weather, here in Kansas is very chilly and overcast(dreary)..
Waiting to see the shelves too. I think I would like some sort of shelf system for next year, I've seen a couple that I like
ReplyDeleteHi Meredith, thanks, someone is stealing my time and days too, not sure who it is.
ReplyDeleteHi Turquoisemoon, thanks, I know I shouldn't complain, here in Florida it's never that chilly.
Hi Tracey, thanks, would have had them done if I hadn't have had to help Gary unload stuff for the yard sale.
I Love that vase! Very cool in its simplicity and shape. I also like the trays: trees with stars and a quarter moon, the leaves and suggestion of lattice-work. They're both very nice. It's chilly with clear blue skies. I hope they hold true all day.
ReplyDeleteHi Teresa, thanks, the vase looks better in person than in the photo I took. Just the bowl looks more vibrant which is what I was going for with the pattern. Chilly with clear blue skies makes for better fall color I'm told, but then maybe your fall color is already gone now.
ReplyDeleteLinda..great pieces! I like the tray with the pine trees and snowflake..a very Canadian look :)..
ReplyDeleteI am tending a bisque tonight - just about finished.. lots of throwing in the last couple of days- meant to take pictures today,but forgot and when pieces are all tucked in for the night, didn't want to disturb them again.
and on the weather theme: beautiful summer like day at the moment but dropping off by the weekend.Cheers
Really lovely pieces, Linda!
ReplyDeleteI like that vase very much!! Its shape and design are so nice!
And I can't wait to see your new shelves!!