Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Drying Hot Peppers

Here are a couple of garden salsa peppers I have been drying for a few weeks. These were green when I picked them. It's kind of amazing they turn red after picking.
Here are some hot peppers ready to dry. I could help them along by putting them in a very low temperature oven or a dehydrator but I am not sure they would turn red then.
Miscellaneous harvest ingredients including more shishito peppers. Not many tomatoes this year at all; there's been too much rain. Thanks for reading and for all your comments.


  1. The turning red is the peppers ripening. I do envy the too much rain thing.

  2. Hi Sue, thanks, yes you and many others on the West Coast of America envy the too much rain. I haven't had to water at all this summer which has been a welcome relief.

  3. You'll have lots of chilli flakes and powder on hand for future use.


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