Saturday, August 25, 2018

Red Okra

Have you ever seen an okra flower? Isn't it beautiful.
 They are a member of the mallow family. Think hibiscus flower.
Last week I bought green okra at the farmers market. This week I bought red okra. Sorry I forgot to take a photo of the okra before I cut it up. The red okra turns green after cooking. The red okra has a smoother skin, less ridges, and is thinner in diameter. It also has less mucilage. You know the goo which often turns folks off to eating okra.
(At least this variety did).
If you're making gumbo you want more goo as a thickening agent.

This time I tossed the okra with balsamic vinegar
and baked it for 40 minutes at 400 F.
Gary and I both agreed we like okra baked without breading. 

I'll be at the farmers market from 7 am to 1 pm.
Thanks for reading and for all your comments.


  1. The bloom is spectacular.
    Okra isn't common here and it is a taste and texture I have never really warmed to.
    Good luck at the markets.

    1. Hi Sue, thanks, okra is an acquired taste and I find there isn't much at all I don't like that is edible.

  2. I do like okra and use it in our chicken and sausage gumbo. I love it dried which I buy at Central Market and DH likes it fried. But no, I've never seen the flower. Thanks for sharing it. Hope you have a great day at the farmer's market!

    1. Hi Rian, thanks, I remember you get it dried. I had a great day at the market, thanks

  3. It's years since I've had okra...and then I've only ever had the a few times. I had them growing at one of the places I lived in North Queensland.

    1. Hi Lee, thanks, it is so easy to grow and doesn't need much care but needs to be picked often so it doesn't get too big and tough.

  4. I hadn't known okra came from a flower nor had I ever heard of red okra. Interesting.

    1. Hi Hena, thanks, usually it is green, but the red is seen at farmers markets infrequently.


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