Friday, October 19, 2018

Fragrant Fennel Fronds & Fennel Pollen

The other day I harvested my fennel bulbs and baked them. Of course they were delicious but I just couldn't discard the greenery or fronds. I call them fronds because they seem fern like. The fronds were wilted terribly but I decided to try them in water. They perked right up. They are so soft and wispy I'm glad I put them in a vase to enjoy a while longer.
Coincidentally yesterday I was watching a cooking show and they talked about fennel pollen. Who knew fennel pollen could be used as a spice. I really enjoy learning new information about food products since I love to cook, so this was a wonderful discovery.
Of course with Bonkers running around here I don't dare leave this vase any place he can reach it which is pretty much anywhere. So the vase is on the windowsill of the bathroom with the door closed. The things we do for our furry friends. The farmers market is going to be a rain out so we are taking a minimum of pottery. The market is under cover so don't hesitate to come on out if you get a chance between 7 am to 1 pm on Saturday. Thanks for reading and for all your comments.


  1. I finely chop fennel fronds and use them as a garnish. They have a delicious hint of the full fennel flavour. Life is too short (for me) to try an get the pollen though.

    1. Hi Sue, thanks, no I'll let the pollen collectors do the collecting; the flowers are pretty though

  2. All plants and flowers that make it inside our house are also regulated to the bathroom... away from playful paws and curious mouths.

    1. Hi Rian, thanks, I hope Bonkers outgrows his curiosity especially for fresh produce and greenery.

  3. Wow that is so interesting.. I had never known there was such a thing as fennel pollen.

  4. Well...actually...our furry friends are the we do have to toe the line!! :)


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