Thursday, March 12, 2020


Recently I opened a kitchen cupboard to get a tea bag. Much to my surprise Bonkers somehow squeezed himself into the cabinet. I slowly removed each tea bag box to make room for him. After all who am I to deny the curiosity of a cat.
Oh no, now it looks like another shelf needs to be explored. I'm not quite sure how cats can wedge themselves into such small spaces contorting their bodies into rubber bands, but somehow they do. Meanwhile we're both hunkering down being in high risk categories for the virus. Be well. Thanks for reading and for all your comments.


  1. Wouldn't it be lovely to be as flexible as a cat?
    Stay safe, stay well.

    1. Hi Sue, thanks, yes it sure would, even when young I never was, lol

  2. Of course! We dare not disturb our furry mates.

    Sometimes I dare not move when both mine a snuggled up close to me in bed! How dare I move! :)

    1. Hi Lee, thanks, I know the feeling, we are so lucky we have this little guy, he keeps us in better moods.

  3. Linda, I think Bonkers is adorable. And his antics probably keep you guys in stitches.
    As for the virus, please take care. We can only do what we can, and hope (and pray) for the best.

    1. Hi Rian, thanks, yes we can only do what we can do, some folks are still taking unnecessary risks, so sorry for all of our country people and all around the world

  4. What a great little friend, Bonkers is! Glad you caught him in the act and could take photos. Be safe, y'all.

    1. Hi Barbara, thanks, I am just hoping he doesn't learn how to open cabinets. my cat Betty knew how to do it.

  5. Crazy cats do get up to some hi-jinx don't they? Hubby & I are in the high risk categories too, both w/ immune systems, and the age. Making soups and green smoothies, binge watching t.v., reading big novels, working at home. Take care of you both.

    1. Hi Barbara, thanks, same here, we are starting to garden, will probably enjoy the warmer weather now that it has gotten here.


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