Saturday, April 4, 2020

Crabapple and More

My crabapple blooms at the same time every year and this year is no different. The white blossoms are a stark contrast to the dark green of all the trees in the forest here.
One lone tulip which was planted by a previous owner. Now I see there is another bud on the same bulb.
And the scilla is blooming now too. Mother nature gives me much solace while I'm staying at home. Strange most times I am a homebody even a recluse, but now that I must be, I have a lingering feeling of wanting to go somewhere. Isn't that the way, we want what we can't have. Be well.


  1. Oh what beautiful blossoms. Thanks so much for sharing here.

    1. Hi Barbara, thanks, now the driveway is full of white petals as are the tops of our cars and windshields.

  2. Your crabapple is beautiful. We used to have one, but it died a while back. It does remind me of Bridal Wreath.

    1. Hi Rian, thanks, oh yes the bridal wreath is very white as well, this year is the most flowers this one has ever gotten.

  3. How I love your spring display. I turn to nature for solace too. Often.
    I continue to mourn our crab apple which a neighbour attacked with a chainsaw to improve his view.
    Stay safe, stay well.

    1. Hi Sue, thanks, oh what a terrible neighbor, he should pay for his crime but then again too much trouble to bother since they'll always be there. We tolerate a lot to get along with others; other places we just moved but that is not always possible

  4. Bright, cheerful, uplifting and beautiful!

    Take good care, Linda...stay safe...stay well. :)

    1. Hi Lee, thanks, we are both doing our best to stay well, dh only goes out every so often and disinfects everything he brings back, even wiping down the steering wheel and door handles of the car and inside here and we are wearing masks and gloves. hope it all works for us

  5. It is so lovely to see that Spring brings such beautiful flowers. What a treat the crab apple is, and the other flowers too! We are heading into Autumn at this end of the world, with glorious splashes of yellow leaves and dusky pinks starting to appear among the tired green ones. I've been planting seeds for winter vegetables, it is always exciting to see the tiny first shoots start to pop up.
    All the very best, stay well!
    Peter and Laura xx

  6. Hi Peter, thanks, I planted my summer vegetables too early and am having to cover them all if the temps go below 50 F which is a pain in the neck, hopefully it will be worth it


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