Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Anchovy and Artichoke Pizza

one can flat anchovy fillets, drained well
one can artichokes hearts or pieces, drained well
half a jar of ready made marinara or your own
6 ounces of mozzarella cheese
4 garlic cloves, minced or chopped fine
fresh or dried marjoram or oregano
red pepper flakes to taste
one thin pizza crust

Drain the anchovy (packed in oil) and place on a paper towel. Drain the artichokes and place on a paper towel to absorb excess moisture. Shred the mozzarella cheese or cut or break into small pieces.
For the crust I use Bob's Red Mill gluten free pizza crust mix which makes two 12 inch pizza crusts. Follow the directions on the package to make the pizza. Basically you let the yeast proof in 1-1/2 cups warm water, add two beaten eggs and one tablespoon of olive oil. Mix with spoon, divide in half and let rise covered out of a draft for half an hour. Take one ball of dough and spread on pizza pan with damp hands. Since this crust is gluten free, it doesn't have the elasticity that a wheat based crust does, but I find it delicious and can't even tell the difference.
After the first rising the extra dough can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week for another pizza. I wrap the pizza crust in saran wrap and then place the wrapped dough in a baggie. When I make the second pizza I take the pizza dough out of the refrigerator, spread it on the pizza pan, covered, for an hour before baking.

This recipe calls for baking the crust for 7 to 9 minutes (watch closely) to brown slightly in a preheated 425 F oven. Remove crust and add toppings. I put the cheese on first to prevent the sauce from making the crust soggy. Then I spread the sauce, garlic and marjoram, then artichokes, then anchovies, then sprinkle on the red pepper flakes. Bake another 15 to 18 minutes. Remove pizza from oven and let sit for about 10 minutes before slicing. Be well.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I am not a hairy fish fan, but this does look good. No flour, no yeast here at the moment so it will have to wait.
    I hope you enjoyed it to the max.

  3. Hi Sue, thanks, you can leave out the hairy fish; good luck with no flour and yeast.


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