Monday, August 24, 2020

Drying Herbs

This week I'm drying some of the herbs I'm growing. Home grown are so much better than store bought and much less expensive. Of course there's the work of drying them and removing leaves or seeds from the stems. I have a few of these reusable jars to store the herbs in. If I run out of jars I can store dried herbs in baggies. Above is a jar of dried parsley and dried Spanish tarragon.
My dill is going to seed so I'm trying to pick the seed heads before they burst open and set themselves free. A few have escaped hopefully they'll reseed themselves for next year.
Here's some of my Spanish tarragon drying. It's also called Mexican or Texas tarragon. This is a lovely plant to grow, related to the marigold, it's topped with small golden yellow flowers. It dies down in the Winter but comes back in the Spring.

This year I've grown a few plants of onion chives and they are doing great. I had some on a baked potato with yogurt the other day and they are delicious. The stem is hollow and they are fleshy so I am not sure how to dry them. I know the chives I get at the grocery are freeze dried. I'll have to do a little research.

Be Safe, Be Well


  1. You are so right that home grown and preserved is better than store bought - which is true of so many things.

    1. Hi Sue, thanks, I am re-appreciating all of the bounty I have here.

  2. I used to grow my own herbs...but I was fighting an unwinnable battle. My landlord thinks he's a Ghostbuster when he goes around spraying everything within his path...even though he claims he is an expert gardener!!! lol

    Now, I just can't be bothered...just for me.

    Keep taking good care, wishes. :)

  3. Hi Lee, thanks, sorry you are captive of your landlords over zealous spraying. Only reason I am bothered is because I have time and home jail on my plate.


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