Friday, April 30, 2021

Ramp Festival

Ramp Festival
Saturday, May 1, 2021
Union County Farmers Market
Blairsville, GA
10 am to 2 pm

I'm in Booth 75 in the third building

Of course I'll have handmade POTTERY

in addition while supply lasts, I'll have
some freshly potted succulent plants,
fresh rosemary, sage, mint, oregano, & chives,
and beautiful heads of romaine lettuce.

My herbs, fruits & vegetables are grown using organic practices,
I don't use any herbicides or pesticides.

What is a ramp? It's a wild onion or leek
which grows here in the North Georgia Mountains

while supply lasts, the festival will offer free
fresh harvested ramps
ramp pesto
ramp salsa
ramp jelly

Hope to see you there. 


  1. Woo Hoo!!!
    The Farmer's Markets are back. I am so very happy for you.

    1. Hi Sue, thanks, yes I have missed going there for sure.

  2. It must feel terrific to be able to do the farmers' markets again.
    Watch out for ramps! That's how Rapunzel ended up in her tower! 🤭

    1. Hi Suzi, thanks, I didn't know that about Rapunzel; reminds me how I miss stories like that from my childhood, like the princess and the pea. lol


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