Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Blackberry Ricotta Pizza

A local person was selling some blackberries, so I decided to splurge. For some reason a blackberry pizza came to mind. I researched some recipes and noticed quite a few used ricotta cheese. I made up my gluten free pizza dough with Bob's Red Mill pizza mix. It makes two 12-inch crusts or one 16-inch crust. Since it's just the two of us I make the 12-inch and later in the week I make another pizza.
Doesn't this look scrumptious? Well, it really was totally decadent and wonderful. You can see the basil leaves I added just before serving.

The pizza crust directions used to say prebake the crust for 7 minutes and no longer does, but I still do because that way the crust stays crunchy instead of getting soggy.

I used 1-1/2 cups of blackberries. One half for the top and the other half mashed up for the first layer on top of the crust.

I was finally able to locate the ricotta cheese at my local grocery store. The recipe also called for fresh basil added after baking and I chopped up some I had growing.

This is what the pizza looked like before baking. I had a few tomatoes to use so I also added those to the top. Under all of this is also a grated cup of parmesan reggiano cheese. I made this over a week ago and now I am craving it again posting all these photos. Try it you might like it.


  1. It does look good. I will have to remember it when blackberry season comes round again.

    1. Hi Sue, thanks, sounds crazy but was actually quite good


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