Monday, July 18, 2022

Lemony Ricotta Muffins - Gluten Free

2 cups of gluten free flour baking mix
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/8 tsp salt (adjust salt depending upon sodium in ricotta)
zest of one lemon
2 eggs lightly beaten
1 cup ricotta cheese
1 cup sugar (I used half white and half turbinado sugar)
1 stick of butter melted and cooled
2 tbsp lemon juice (I put the juice of the whole lemon in)

Preheat oven to 350 F. Combine dry ingredients along with the zest of the lemon. In a separate bowl lightly beat 2 eggs, add one cup of ricotta cheese, stir in sugar, add melted butter which has been cooled, Last stir in the lemon juice. Use a 1/3 cup measuring cup to place batter into paper muffin forms placed in muffin pan. Sprinkle tops of muffins with turbinado sugar if desired. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes till toothpick comes out clean. Cool for 5 minutes in muffin pan and then remove to wire tack to cool to room temperature. Lemony, flakey, and really good. Best eaten with a fork since they are kind of sticky on the fingers.


I love suggestions, questions, critiques, thanks for your comment