Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Snow Peas

Snow Peas, a winter/spring underripe pea pod is craveable!
The whole pod is edible and one of my favorite vegetables.
I could eat a heaping plate of these and nothing else.
Yes, they are that good and also very nutritious.
Pinch the end off of each pod with your thumb and string if need be.
Melt a little butter in a pan over medium heat.
Add the snow pea pods and a bit of fresh or dried mint.
Add a dash of white suger or agave syrup to enhance the sweetness.
Don't overcook the pod, once it is warmed it's ready to serve.
If you put snow peas in a stir fry add them at the last minute.
Crisp, crunchy, sweet, and so delicious!


  1. Yum. They are yet another vegetable that I like best raw.

    1. Hi Sue, thanks, yes they are especially good raw too


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