Tuesday, March 21, 2023



I had five avocados ripen at the same time. What to do with them? Of course make guacamole. Not the pretiest presentation since the photo is when I was making the guacamole. After cutting the avocados in half and removing the seed, I just squeezed the flesh of the avocados into a bowl. Next I chopped one shallot fine and added it, along with the juice of one lime. Then I added salt, pepper, dried cilantro, cayenne pepper, and hot sauce. Then I remembered I still had some left over cucumber, tomato, roasted onion salad. I added the salad right into the guacamole. Don't be afraid to experiment with ingredients which aren't the usual. You just never know. The salad made the guacamole slightly sweet so I added more hot sauce and cayenne to make the guacamole spicy. It was delicious inspite of the addition of the leftover salad. Waste not, want not.

Enjoy !

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